The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1441 Baby Full Moon

Chapter 1441 Baby Full Moon ([-])

Soon, Dong brought Mammy over.

As soon as the nanny entered the room, she saw the babies were crying, so she said to Yehuang, "Prince Princess, the children are hungry, can you ask the nanny to feed them, or try feeding them yourself?"

When Yehuang heard that the child was hungry, she felt relieved and said, "I'll do it myself."

"Okay then, this old slave will teach you how to feed the child." Mammy laughed, and stepped forward to teach Ye Huang how to feed the child.

In fact, there is no need to teach it at all.She picked up the child, and as soon as she put it in front of her, the child found a place to eat vigorously.

Because it was the first time, Ye Huang felt a little painful being sucked by the baby. Fortunately, it didn't take long for it to get better.The baby didn't cry when he got the milk.

After feeding one, Ye Huang went to feed the second one.

However, her milk may be a little low, and the second one is not enough to feed, so I have to let the nanny carry her to find a nanny to feed.

After the two babies were full, they fell asleep obediently in a blink of an eye.

Only then did Ye Huang breathe a sigh of relief.Only then did I realize that I was already drenched with sweat, so I told Xia: "Xia, go get me some water, I'm sweating, I need to wipe it off."

Xia turned around and went out to order the people below to get water, Dong went to help Yehuang get the clothes, and Nanny helped her look at the two babies together.

Water came quickly.

Yehuang got up and went to the bathroom to wipe herself, and Dong followed her in to help.

Originally, Yehuang didn't like to have people waiting by her side, but some places were out of reach, so Dong could only help.

In fact, Dong also wanted to supervise Ye Huang, lest she would just take a bath because she was greedy for comfort.Now, she is still in confinement, bathing is strictly not allowed.

Yehuang actually wanted to take a bath very much, and it took him a long time to resist pouring water directly on his body.

After wiping her body and putting on clean clothes, Ye Huang felt much more comfortable.But the head is still sticky, but I can only endure it first.

Yehuang came out after wiping her body. The babies were still sleeping soundly. She returned to the bed to accompany them.

But not long after, the steward came to tell Yehuang that someone had come to the palace and brought many rewards.

Shangguan Yuntian didn't come back, and Yehuang was confinement again, so there was no way to thank her.In the end, Mammy told her to go out and have a look.

So, the reward from the palace was accepted by the nanny, and Yehuang was relieved.

However, not long after, someone came from the General's Mansion.

And it was a big family, Ye Feng brought Ye Su and Bai Luoyu together.

Originally, Ye Su was going to the military camp, but as soon as he heard that Ye Huang had given birth to a baby, he asked for leave and came with Ye Feng and Bai Luoyu.

The three of Ye Feng were different from the people in the palace. They went directly to the courtyard where Ye Huang lived and entered Ye Feng's room to see the baby.

As soon as Murong Jue heard that Ye Feng was coming, he hurried to Ye Huang's courtyard, fearing that Ye Feng would snatch his disciple and grandson.

As a result, Qinghuang Courtyard suddenly became lively.

The three members of the Ye family arrived first, and entered Ye Huang's room first, looking at the two babies lying on the bed, each of them was extremely rare.

Especially the newly pregnant Bai Luoyu, she liked it even more.She looked at Ye Huang and asked, "Huang'er, can I hug them?"

"Of course!" Ye Huang replied with a smile, and then Mammy picked up one of the babies and put it in Bai Luo Yu's hands.

It was Bai Luoyu's first time holding a baby, and she was a little nervous and a little scared.

(End of this chapter)

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