The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1444 Baby Full Moon

Chapter 1444 Baby Full Moon ([-])

Well, Shangguan Yuntian had already spoken, but she didn't say anything.Let’s reunite, let’s reunite, and listen to it.

"What is Tuanyuanyuan?" Ye Feng, who was bickering with Murong Jue, couldn't help asking when he heard Shangguan Yuntian's words.

Before, when Bai Luoyu and Yehuang were talking, he didn't pay attention at all. He didn't know the names of the two little treasures, so he was so casually decided by the couple.

"The names of the babies, the big one is called Tuantuan, and the small one is called Yuanyuan." Ye Huang replied with a smile.

"Tuanyuanyuanyuan, good!" Not only did Ye Feng not object to the name, but he also praised it, making Bai Luoyu even more speechless.It seemed that she was the only one who thought the name was casual.

If everyone thinks it's good, then it's fine.But she was thinking in her heart that in the future, her child's name must not be so casual.

"It's okay!" Murong Jue also nodded, quite satisfied with the name.He was holding a baby in his arms, which was the younger sister of the two.

So, Murong Jue smiled and said to the little baby: "Little baby, you will be called Yuanyuan from now on."

"Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan." Murong Jue yelled several times in a row, and the little baby seemed to curl his lips, which made him very surprised.

Ye Feng watched Murong Jue yelling the baby's name one after another, seeing him holding the baby for so long, he became jealous again, and said: "Murong Jue, you've been holding the baby for too long, give me the baby Hug."

"Isn't there another one on the bed? You don't know how to hug." Murong Jue hasn't hugged enough yet, so how could he be willing to give the baby to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng glared at Murong Jue, knowing that he would not give the baby to him, so he could only look at the one on the bed.

Seeing his grandfather's eager eyes, Yehuang was speechless, and said to the nanny beside him: "Mommy, you should teach him."

"Okay!" Nanny replied with a smile, then picked up the baby on the bed and taught Ye Feng how to hold the baby.

In order to hold the baby well, Ye Feng felt that he was serious, and Shangguan Yuntian couldn't help raising his brows.

Ye Feng studied for a while, and felt that it was good enough, so she said to Mammy: "I want to try."

Mammy smiled and handed him the baby.

Ye Feng carefully picked up the baby, and then worked hard to adjust the posture according to the mother's teaching.Although there are still some gaps, it can be considered so-so.

At least this time, the baby was very face-saving and didn't cry, which made Ye Feng very happy.So, like Murong Jue, he was reluctant to let go.

However, the two of them are elderly people after all. Although the baby is small, the arms will still get tired if held for a long time.

Yehuang saw that they had been hugging for a long time, and said to them: "Master, grandpa, you should rest for a while. The baby hasn't peed for a long time, and it's probably time to pee."

After hearing what Yehuang said, although they were still a little bit reluctant, they still returned the baby to the nanny.

Mammy held the baby, turned and left the room, and went to the nursery next door.

Shangguan Yuntian watched the baby take him away, and also called Ye Feng and the others to talk in the living room.

As soon as everyone left, Yehuang's spirit collapsed.She was already tired, but there were so many people that she was too embarrassed to sleep.

As soon as the person left, the baby was taken away, and she quickly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Shangguan Yuntian talked with everyone for a while, and then it was time for lunch.After Ye Feng and the others had eaten, they left.

When Ye Huang woke up, Ye Feng and the others had already left.

(End of this chapter)

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