The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1446 Sudden Will

Chapter 1446 Sudden Desire ([-])

Seeing the love between the two treasures, Ye Huang showed a deep smile on his face.

The elder brother humbles the younger sister, the younger sister loves the elder brother, and both treasures are very good.

After playing in the garden for a while, the wind picked up, and Yehuang was worried that the two treasures would catch cold, so she went back with the two treasures in her arms.

Back in the yard, put the two babies on the rocking bed, Yehuang sat aside and looked at them while moving her arms.

Not to mention, after hugging her for a while, her arms were sore.Fortunately, she practiced martial arts, otherwise she might not have been able to hold her for such a long time.

After a bit of movement, her arms became much more comfortable, and she went to tease the two of them again.

When the mother and son were having a great time, Qin Ge, the housekeeper of the Prince's Mansion, came to find him.

"Meet the princess."

"What do you need from me?" Yehuang came out of the nursery, stood at the door, looked at Qin Ge, and asked.In the past month, she has been confinement, and she has never asked about the affairs of the mansion.

I don't know what Butler Qin is looking for her today.

"Crown Princess, the day after tomorrow will be the full moon banquet for His Royal Highness and the Little Princess. Because the Crown Prince is not at the residence, I have to ask the Crown Princess to make some decisions."

Hearing that it was because of the babies' full moon banquet, Yehuang understood, nodded and said, "What's the matter, tell me?"

"The princess is like this. There are not enough ingredients for a dish at the banquet. If you want to buy it, you may not be able to make it back in three days. Do you think it is a different dish?"

"Since you can't buy it in the capital, let's change it. As for what to change, you can discuss it with the chef."

Ye Huang waved her hand and said in a nonchalant manner.She has never liked to deal with such trivial matters.However, since Qin Ge came to ask, she couldn't really ignore it.

Afterwards, Qin Ge discussed a few things with Ye Huang, all about the arrangement and layout of the banquet.

After sending Qin Ge away, Yehuang went back to her room to take a look at the two treasures.Seeing that they both fell asleep, they left, planning to do something else.

Speaking of which, she has been pregnant for ten months, plus one month of confinement, she has done nothing for eleven months.Her poison and so on were also put on the shelf.She wants to go and have a look.

However, Shangguan Yuntian came back before she even went to the pharmacy that specially made poisons.Seeing her running towards the house over there, he grabbed her and said, "Huang'er, where are you going?"

"I didn't go anywhere, just look around." Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian and said with a guilty conscience.She knew that Shangguan Yuntian would definitely not let herself touch the poison.

One is that she has just given birth, and the other is that she often stays with the babies.The babies are still too young, if she touches the poison and doesn't wash it off and gets it on the babies, it will be bad.

"Do you want to play with poison again?" Shangguan Yuntian immediately saw through Yehuang's lies, and pulled her towards the study.

As he walked, he said, "Since you are so free, why don't you do something for me."

"What can I do for you?" Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian with a puzzled expression.She will not interfere with those official affairs.

Even if she went to the study, it was just to accompany him.Apart from reading a book beside her, she really couldn't think of what else to do.

In the study room, Shangguan Yuntian handed the inkstone and ink to Yehuang, and said, "Huang'er, this is your job."

"What do you mean?" Yehuang stared at Shangguan Yuntian with wide eyes, and asked tentatively, "You don't want me to sharpen the ink for you, do you?"

Shangguan Yuntian smiled at Yehuang and said, "Huang'er, congratulations, you guessed right."

(End of this chapter)

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