The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1464 Canonized as Queen

Chapter 1464 Canonized as Empress ([-])

Fortunately, Shangguan Yuntian was a careful person, he knew that Ye Huang would be hungry, so he specially ordered people to prepare food at any time.

When Ye Huang woke up, the food was still warm, so it was ready to eat.

Neither of them had a meal. After washing, they ate directly in the bedroom.

Yehuang was really tired, and fell asleep quickly after eating.Shangguan Yuntian watched her fall asleep, so he asked someone to bring over the unfinished memorial, and then sat in the side hall to review it.

By the time he finished approving the memorial, it was already late at night.He quietly went to bed, hugged the sleeping Ye Huang into his arms, and fell asleep peacefully.

The next day, Shangguan Yuntian woke up early, but Yehuang rarely woke up at the same time.She looked at Shangguan Yuntian who was getting dressed to go to the morning court, and also got up from the bed.

"Huang'er, why are you up? It's still early, go to sleep for a while." Shangguan Yuntian said with a smile as he watched Yehuang get dressed.

"It's been a long time since I moved my hands and feet. I'm going to practice." Yehuang replied, and quickly put on the clothes.

It was rare for the palace guards outside to see the two appearing at the same time, so they were a little surprised.Then he quickly brought over a bowl of ginseng soup.

Yehuang didn't want to drink at first, but was pulled by Shangguan Yuntian to drink with him.

After drinking the ginseng soup, one went to the morning court, and the other went to practice in the yard.After Ye Huang had practiced her fists, kicks and sword skills, the sky had just dawned.

Back in the bedroom, Yehuang took a hot bath, then turned around and went to the second hall to see the two babies.

It's still early, the babies haven't woken up yet, and are soundly asleep.

Seeing the sleeping faces of the two treasures, Yehuang smiled, and then lay down beside them.

The nuns watched, smiled, and retreated, leaving room for the mother and child.When the two treasures woke up and saw Yehuang lying beside them, they were overjoyed.

Yehuang was busy all day yesterday, and they didn't see her.But I didn't want to, when I opened my eyes this morning, I saw her by my side.

As a result, the hands of the two treasures immediately began to move, rubbing against Yehuang's body.

Yehuang originally wanted to accompany the babies, but unexpectedly fell asleep too.He didn't wake up until he felt something moving on his body, and then he met Liang Bao's eyes that were as bright as jewels.

"Good morning, baby!" Yehuang smiled and greeted the two treasures, and the two treasures also looked at her and laughed, and then went to find something to eat.

Yehuang watched and knew that the two treasures were hungry, so she sat up, hugged them, and fed them one by one.

Now, her body is much better, and her milk is more than before. Even if the two treasures are taken at the same time, it is enough.

For this reason, the two treasures would eat less and less milk from the nanny, unless Yehuang was not around, or when they were really overwhelmed.

Soon, the two treasures were full, and they started playing with Yehuang on the bed in a frenzy.

It wasn't until the palace people came to have breakfast that they took the two treasures out to eat.

Ye Huang and the nuns brought the baby to the dining room, and not long after they sat down, Shangguan Yuntian came back early.

Seeing Dad, the two treasures immediately stretched out their hands.

Shangguan Yuntian smiled, stepped forward and took the babies over, held them one by one, and sat down on the dining table.

As soon as he sat down, Liang Bao's attention was completely attracted by the things on the table.Those bowls, plates, etc. are even more attractive than Shangguan Yuntian.

So, the two began to twist their bodies, wanting to get those things.

(End of this chapter)

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