The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1467 Donghua civil strife

Chapter 1467 Donghua Civil Disturbance ([-])

Yehuang was fine, so she stayed in Fengqi Palace to play with the babies.In the middle of the afternoon, Dong came back from outside the palace and brought a letter to Yehuang.

That was a letter written by Night Breeze from Donghua.

Yehuang handed the babies to the nanny, took the letter back to the study, and read it seriously.

In the letter, Night Breeze said something about Donghua, and told Yehuang to send more people there.They can take advantage of the civil strife in Donghua to expand the power of the ghost gate.

After Yehuang read the letter, she pondered for a while before writing to Yefeng to reply.As for the matter of sending many people to the past mentioned in his letter, he has already considered it, and the candidates have already been selected.

After writing the reply letter, Yehuang called Dong in and sent her to the ghost gate.

Ever since Ye Huang and the babies moved into the palace, Dong and Xia started running between the palace and the gate of ghosts.As for Nangong Yu, he lived in the former Prince's Mansion, and the Third Young Master Fengyun had already entered the court hall.

Originally, Yehuang planned to buy another house for Third Young Master Fengyun and Nangong Yu, but Shangguan Yuntian said that the Prince's Mansion was empty anyway, so they just let them live there.

When Third Young Master Fengyun has made achievements in government affairs, he will find another opportunity and give him another mansion.

Therefore, Yehuang didn't buy any more, and let them live in the original Prince's Mansion first.Fortunately, Third Young Master Fengyun also lived up to his expectations. Since entering the court, he has done several beautiful things.

Maybe people who came out of Wusai City have that ability, like Sima Rui, who achieved the position of Prime Minister of Donghua Kingdom in just a few years.

Given time, the achievements of the Fengyun Third Young Master may not be lower than Sima Rui's.

After sending the letter away, Yehuang saw that it was getting late, so she decided to go to see if Shangguan Yuntian was done.

However, when she left, Erbao saw her and cried for a hug.Yehuang had no choice but to bring the two along.

However, instead of hugging them, she put them in the pushchairs that had been made earlier.This push chair was designed by Yehuang after the modern twins sat on it, but it was made of wood.

In order to prevent the two babies from bumping into each other, a thick layer of soft cotton cloth was wrapped outside.

Yehuang pushed the two treasures, followed by a few palace servants, and headed towards the Palace of Qinzheng.

When they arrived at Qinzheng Hall, the eunuch guarding outside saw her, first greeted her, and then quickly went into the hall to report.

Hearing Yehuang's arrival, Shangguan Yuntian immediately stopped discussing with the ministers and told them to go back first.

Seeing that Shangguan Yuntian cared so much about Yehuang, the ministers felt quite critical, but none of them dared to say anything.

Some time ago, some people suggested that Shangguan Yuntian be drafted, so that he could enrich the harem.No, just after the other party finished speaking, Shangguan Yuntian directly dismissed him as an official, and said: "As a subject, I don't want to seek the well-being of the people, but stare at his harem everywhere. I don't want such a subject."

Since then, no one dared to mention the draft in front of Shangguan Yuntian.For this reason, those ministers who wanted to send their daughters to the palace also gradually calmed down and arranged marriage arrangements for their daughters early.

Shangguan Yuntian is not stingy with rewards for those ministers who are knowledgeable, such as giving them a marriage, giving them something to make them look better.

His obvious approach made some ministers who were still waiting to see him immediately lose their minds, and then earnestly match up with their daughters.

Shangguan Yuntian didn't favor one over the other, after the marriage between the two parties was settled, as long as they said it in advance, they would also issue orders and rewards.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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