The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1469 Donghua civil strife

Chapter 1469 Donghua Civil Unrest ([-])

"That's right, that's right, I heard that the big landlord Wang Yuanwai also plans to move his family to Dazhao."

"Yes, I heard that his sons and daughters have been sent away."

"Not only that, I also heard that all the valuable things in their house have been pawned."


"Father, what do you think?" Ming Zhao looked at Ming Feng, waiting for his decision.In fact, he had already conceived the idea of ​​transferring the property to Dazhao.

However, before he had time to mention it to Ming Feng, civil strife broke out in Donghua Kingdom.Now, it is just right to take advantage of this civil strife and transfer the property by the way.

Mingzhao believed that under the governance of Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang, it would never be possible for such a thing to happen to Dazhao.

In the past, he only knew about Yehuang's identity in the world. It wasn't until recently that he realized that Yehuang was not only the master of the ghost sect, but also the princess of the Dazhao Kingdom.

After hearing the news, an impulse rose in his heart to go to Dazhao.Because, he felt that only by going to the country where Yehuang was located, could he better repay her for saving her life.

What's more, he has seen Shangguan Yuntian, and even heard about his deeds. The war god prince of Dazhao, when everyone thought he would die, suddenly healed, and then smoothly became the crown prince of Dazhao.

His means and abilities can be imagined.

Therefore, Mingzhao believed that under the leadership of such a person, Dazhao would definitely only advance, not regress.He believed that with the presence of the couple Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang, Dazhao's national strength would definitely rise to a higher level.

This idea became more firm after learning that Shangguan Yuntian had been enthroned as emperor a few days ago, and Yehuang was canonized as the empress of Dazhao.

After hearing his son's words, Ming Feng glanced at everyone, taking into account the expressions on everyone's faces, then pondered for a while before saying: "Industry can be transferred, but Mingyue Villa cannot be moved."

Mingyue Villa is the ancestral property, so it can only stay in Donghua.Even if the civil strife may make Donghua look miserable and Mingyue Villa will be defeated, he will not move away.

"Father!" Ming Zhao looked at his father with some puzzlement, knowing why he stayed in Donghua knowing the consequences of staying in Donghua.

"Zhao'er, you don't understand." Ming Feng looked at his son, a complicated look flashed in his eyes.He couldn't tell Mingzhao that this Mingyue Villa is Mingyue Villa only in Donghua, and it is nothing if it leaves.

Ming Zhao opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but Ming Feng gestured him not to say anything, he had already made up his mind.

Seeing his father like this, Ming Zhao had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.

After the discussion, Mingzhao started to contact Guimen, and wanted to ask Guimen to send a message to Yehuang, telling her that the property of Mingyue Villa was going to be moved to Dazhao, hoping that Guimen could provide some convenience.

When Yehuang received the letter, it was already a few days later.

After reading Ming Zhao's letter to her, a happy smile appeared on Ye Huang's face.She is still optimistic about Mingzhao's business ability.

Since Mingzhao wants Dazhao to develop, she has no reason to refuse.Although, his arrival will cause some troubles to those colleagues.

However, competition can promote better business development.

When Shangguan Yuntian came back from dealing with political affairs, he saw Yehuang reading a letter with a smile on his face.He couldn't help but walked forward, hugged her from behind, leaned his head on her shoulder, and asked with a smile: "Huang'er, who wrote this letter to make you so happy?"

"Ming Zhao!" Ye Huang spat out two words with a smile, but Shangguan Yuntian's expression changed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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