The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1472 Ming Zhao Arrives

Chapter 1472 Ming Zhao Arrives ([-])

Shangguan Yuntian smiled, he would never refute Ye Huang's words.What's more, the two treasures are really well taught by her. Although they are only a few months old, they are really sensible and cute.

"Let's go, let's go out and play with them for a while." Yehuang patted Shangguan Yuntian on the shoulder, planning to take the babies out to play in the garden.

It's not good for the babies to stay in this room all the time.

"Okay!" Shangguan Yuntian nodded with a smile, then walked into the garden with Yehuang holding the two treasures.

There is a garden behind Fengqi Palace, which is relatively large.In order to make it easier for the babies to play, it was specially rebuilt by someone, and there are many things suitable for the babies to play.

The two brought their babies to the garden and played with them for half an hour. They didn't go back until the babies were tired and about to go to bed.

After going back, put the babies to sleep, and Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang went to work on their respective affairs.

A few days later, Ming Zhao received Yehuang's reply letter and was overjoyed.After reading the letter, immediately arrange the departure matters.

He has already prepared everything, just waiting for Ye Huang to nod.

"Father, I received a letter from Empress Jokha, and I plan to leave the day after tomorrow." Ming Zhao found Ming Feng with the letter, and he wanted to persuade his father to follow them to Jokha.

"Really? Since the other party has already replied, you can go." Ming Feng glanced at the letter in Ming Zhao's hand, smiled and nodded.

He has already decided not to leave, no matter how Ming Zhao persuades him, he will stay here.

"Father, you can go with me." Ming Zhao looked at Ming Feng and persuaded him seriously.He didn't know what his father was insisting on, and asked many times without telling him.

"No need, just go." Ming Feng shook his head, still unwilling to tell his son the reason.There are some things, as long as he knows, he doesn't want to put so much pressure and burden on his son.

If the civil strife in Donghua Kingdom can survive this time, or the things he guards will be useless at all.If not, Ming Zhao will know sooner or later.

Seeing that he still couldn't be persuaded, Ming Zhao stopped persuading him.After leaving Ming Feng's courtyard, he went to look for stewards everywhere.

Three days later, Ming Zhao took some of his men and headed towards Da Zhao.

Wang Taishou of Jiangcheng watched Ming Zhao leave with the team, and heaved a heavy sigh.Ming Zhao was not the first businessman to leave Jiangcheng and Donghua Kingdom, nor would he be the last.

The civil strife has greatly reduced the national power of Donghua, and it is not known when the civil strife will be calmed down.

After leaving Jiangcheng, Mingzhao and his party rushed towards Dazhao, wishing to see Yehuang immediately.

Counting the time, he hadn't seen her for more than a year.

I heard that she gave birth to a baby, but I don't know if the babies are cute?
With longing for the future and longing for Ye Huang, Ming Zhao reached Dazhao at the fastest speed.

Fortunately, he sent someone over in advance, and he had already bought the house.Although it is not the commercial center of the capital city, it is not too far away. It takes two quarters of an hour by carriage to reach the most prosperous street in the capital city.

All the way, the first thing Mingzhao did after he arrived was to send a letter to the ghost gate, and then he washed off the dust and went to rest.

After he had rested, Yehuang also received the post asking him to meet the next day.

Ming Zhao was very happy to receive the post.So the next morning, he got up early and went to the appointment.

(End of this chapter)

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