The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1502 Increased civil strife

Chapter 1502 Increased civil strife ([-])

Today they went to serve tea with Du Qingqiu, seeing Nangong Yu's attitude towards their young lady, they were very happy for their master.

It is the wish of every new daughter-in-law to meet a good mother-in-law.But there are very few people who can really meet a good mother-in-law.

And Nangong Yu's liking for Du Qingqiu does not seem to be fake, they all see it in their eyes.They were even more shocked when Nangong Yu offered to make Du Qingqiu the housekeeper on the first day.

As a woman in the inner house, she can hear a lot of gossip.But they have never heard of which new daughter-in-law was entrusted with the important task of housekeeper the next day.

For the congratulations from the people around her, Du Qingqiu accepted them one by one, and told them to get along well with the people in the mansion, and not just because Nangong Yu and Fengyun Third Young Master treated her well, they should not be pampered or bullied.

After confessing, Du Qingqiu went to bed to rest.

After being tormented for a long time last night, and again in the morning, Du Qingqiu was already exhausted.If it wasn't for the tea ceremony today, she wouldn't get up either.

Now that the level of offering tea has passed, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.As soon as she was relieved, the tiredness hit her immediately, and she quickly fell asleep.

After Du Qingqiu fell asleep like this, he slept until it was time to eat lunch.

When he woke up, he saw that there was another person in the room.After taking a closer look, he realized that it was Fengyun Third Young Master, so he called out embarrassedly: "Husband!"

"Ma'am, are you awake?" Feng Qu Third Young Master put down the book in his hand, and walked towards the marriage bed.

"Husband, wait a minute!" Seeing Fengyun Sanshao walking towards him, Du Qingqiu immediately realized that he was only wearing an inner shirt, and couldn't help but shouted.

"What's wrong?" Young Master Fengyun looked at Du Qingqiu amusedly, but was speechless about her shy appearance.

They are both husband and wife, do they still need to avoid so many taboos?What's more, she didn't sleep without clothes, she also had underwear.

"You, don't come here, wait for me to put on my clothes first." Du Qingqiu said in a panic, quickly took the clothes over, and put them on himself.

"Ma'am, what are you afraid of?" Third Young Master Fengyun kept walking, came to Du Qingqiu in a few steps, looked at her with a funny face and said: "We are husband and wife, even if you don't wear clothes, it doesn't matter. "

As soon as these words came out, Du Qingqiu blushed immediately, then lowered his head and quickly put on his clothes.

Since she couldn't stop Third Young Master Fengyun, she could only act faster.Yes, Third Young Master Fengyun is right, they are now husband and wife.But when I think of my disheveled appearance in front of him, I always feel a little uncomfortable.

Third Young Master Fengyun just watched Du Qingqiu put on his clothes. During this time, he wanted to help, but he was afraid of scaring Du Qingqiu, so he could only let her do it by herself.

After getting dressed, Du Qingqiu got off the bed, then looked at Third Young Master Fengyun and said, "Husband, are you done?"

Hearing this, Third Young Master Fengyun laughed, and said, "I'm a newly married husband, so how can I be busy with anything?"

As soon as these words came out, Du Qingqiu immediately understood that Fengyun Third Young Master was afraid that he would not be able to rest well if he was here, so he deliberately found an excuse to go to the study.

Thinking of his intentions, Du Qingqiu couldn't help being moved.She looked at him shyly, her eyes burning as if she was hesitant to speak.

Seeing the appearance of Jiao-wife, Third Young Master Fengyun became a little distracted.A stream of light flashed in his eyes, and then moved by his heart, he lowered his head and kissed Du Qingqiu's delicate lips.

(End of this chapter)

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