The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1505 Increased civil strife

Chapter 1505 Intensified civil strife ([-])

Hearing Fengyun Third Young Master's words, Du Qingqiu felt relieved, but still looked at him with some doubts, and said: "Mother looks at you wrongly, why didn't I notice?"

She went to invite Ann together with Fengyun Third Young Master before, and her mother looked normal, with a kind face and a smile on her face, which made people feel heart-warming.

"You just got in touch with your mother, and you don't know her well yet. After getting along for a long time, you will find out." Third Young Master Fengyun smiled, and without saying much, he took his wife's hand and went to the inner room to rest.

Third Young Master Fengyun's marriage leave must be seven days, and he didn't go anywhere during these seven days, and spent all of it with his wife.

Of course, when Sanchao returned home, he must have been with Du Qingqiu.Fortunately, Mrs. Du and Mrs. Du are quite satisfied with the son-in-law of Third Young Master Fengyun, so they are very enthusiastic about him.After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Mrs. Du and Mrs. Du took Fengyun Third Young Master and Du Qingqiu to talk to each other.

Mrs. Du was very concerned about her daughter's life at Fengyun's house, so she asked a lot of questions.When she heard that Nangong Yu had asked her daughter to be the housekeeper on the first day of Du Qingqiu's wedding, she was still surprised.

I thought that a single woman like Nangong Yu would be the most difficult to deal with, and would be the most capable of rubbing off on her daughter-in-law.But she didn't want to, not only did she not rub people, but she handed over the power of housekeeper on the first day the new daughter-in-law came in, which was really beyond her expectations.

However, seeing that Nangong Yu and Fengyun Sanshou were very kind to their daughter, Mrs. Du finally felt relieved.

After accompanying Du Qingqiu back home, Third Young Master Fengyun directly closed the door to thank the guests and concentrated on spending time with his wife at home.He knew that after he went to court on vacation, his time with Du Qingqiu would be short.

For this reason, when he can be with her, he spends as much time with her as possible to enhance the relationship between the two.

Although he didn't fall in love with Du Qingqiu, he still liked her, otherwise Yehuang wouldn't have made love to her.

Now, since he has married her into the door, he certainly hopes that his feelings for his wife are not just liking.Although he can't be as deeply attached to him as his wife is, at least he should love her and respect her.

Time flies, and the seven-day wedding leave is gone in a blink of an eye.Third Young Master Fengyun finally left the house and went to court to attend to his official duties.

Du Qingqiu also formally took over the power of the housekeeper, and started to manage the directors.As for Nangong Yu, she was free, so she would go into the palace from time to time to chat with Ye Huang, or make some special snacks.

On this day, Nangong Yu was talking to Ye Huang when she saw Dong hurried in and whispered something in Ye Huang's ear.

After hearing Dong's words, Ye Huang looked at Nangong Yu with an apologetic face, and said, "Auntie, I have something to take care of, so I can't accompany you."

"It's okay, go get busy, I'll be back in a while." Nangong Yu smiled and waved her hand, letting Yehuang go about her own affairs, while she played with the babies for a while.

She didn't leave the palace until the babies were tired and went to rest.

"What's going on?" Ye Huang looked at Dong and asked.

"Returning to your mother, the master of Fengge sent a letter saying that the civil strife in Donghua has intensified, and several of our shops have been attacked."

"Who are the people who attacked the shop?" Yehuang frowned, thinking that the civil strife in Donghua Kingdom should have calmed down in the past few months.But I don't want to not only not calm down, but intensified.

What exactly is going on?

The emperor of Donghua Kingdom is not an incompetent person, let alone with Sima Rui's assistance, how could a rebellion not be quelled?

(End of this chapter)

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