The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1508 Xishui shot

Chapter 1508 Xishui shot ([-])

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian acting, Yehuang couldn't help but rolled her eyes, then reached out and pinched Shangguan Yuntian's waist, warning in a low voice: "Shut up!"

"Ma'am!" Although Yehuang's strength was just a tickle to Shangguan Yuntian, he still pretended to be sad and looked at Yehuang.

"Okay, stop making trouble, someone will come in later." Yehuang really couldn't sit still, thinking about how she would meet people if she was seen.

"Don't worry, they won't come in without my order." Shangguan Yuntian smiled, finally had the chance to get close to Yehuang, he would definitely not let others come in to spoil the scenery.

"You?" Yehuang couldn't help but rolled her eyes, speechless.When the emperor is as capricious as Shangguan Yuntian, there is no one else.

"Okay, Huang'er, don't move around, just let me hug you for a while, okay?" Shangguan Yuntian also accepted as soon as he saw it, and said softly.

As soon as Shangguan Yuntian's tone softened, Yehuang's heart also softened, and she sat obediently, really not moving.

So, for a while, neither of them spoke, Shangguan Yuntian hugged Yehuang's waist tightly, leaned his head slightly on her shoulder, and relaxed himself.

I don't know how long it took until Yehuang's shoulders became numb and her body became stiff. Shangguan Yuntian straightened up, then turned around with Yehuang in his arms, and helped her adjust her posture.

He hugged Yehuang and sat down again, then looked at her with a smile and asked: "Huang'er, tell me, why did you come to see me?"

Hearing Shangguan Yuntian's question, Yehuang remembered her original intention of coming here, and asked: "I heard that the civil strife in Donghua Kingdom has become more serious, what do you think?"

Shangguan Yuntian laughed, looked at Yehuang and said, "It seems that Huang'er also got the news."

"Well, I heard that Xishuiguo got involved."

"That's right, Xishuiguo really got involved. Guess what excuse they made?"

"Excuse?" Ye Huang lowered her head and began to think. This Xishui country is involved in the civil strife in Donghua country, and it is suspected of stealing the country. It is necessary to find a good excuse that can be accepted by everyone.

What would be the excuse?

This incident must be related to Donghua, and Xishui must be the victim.

Yehuang mobilized her memory, thought about what happened in Xishui Kingdom and Donghua Kingdom in the past one or two years, and soon got the answer, so she looked at Shangguan who was waiting for her answer with a smile on his face. Yun Tian said three words, "Xi Shui Ling."

"That's right, Huang'er is really smart." The smile on Shangguan Yuntian's face became a bit thicker, and he couldn't help but kissed Yehuang on the lips as a sign of praise and reward.

Yehuang stared at Shangguan Yuntian speechlessly, and then said: "This is a good excuse. This Xishuiling is really a disaster. People are already useless, and waste can be used. It has become a perfect weapon against Donghua Kingdom." Good excuse."

"Yeah, I heard that because of this incident, the Emperor Xishui has regained the princess treatment of Xishuiling, and it is a bit more dignified than before."

"It seems that Xi Shui Ling will be proud for a while." Yehuang was a little emotional, but she didn't expect that Xi Shui Ling would turn over again.

However, as long as the other party doesn't provoke her anymore, it has nothing to do with her whether to turn over or not.But if Xi Shuiling still dared to take Shangguan Yuntian's idea, she would have to kill her.

Sure enough, as the old saying goes, if you cut the grass without removing the roots, it will regenerate when the spring breeze blows.This Xishuiling is not the best example, it has become a useless person, and it can turn around from time to time, this fate is too good.

 Thanks to ☆Yuan Ding sheng ☆, Desolate Fleeting Years, and We Were Too Naive for the rewards, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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