The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 152 The Coach Was Seriously Injured

Chapter 152 The Coach Was Seriously Injured ([-])

At the beginning of the fight, Shangguan Yuntian thought that it would be good if Yehuang could accompany him to defeat seven or eight hundred moves, but he didn't want to defeat thousands of moves after the fight, and the two hadn't decided the winner yet.

This result made Shangguan Yuntian both happy and worried. The happy thing was that Yehuang's martial arts were so high that there were very few people who could hurt her. Even if he couldn't be by her side sometimes in the future, he could rest assured.The worry is that Yehuang's martial arts are too high, and it will be difficult for him to 'bully' her in the future.

"Since that's the case, let's make an appointment next time." Ye Huang then withdrew her move, exited the battle circle, and landed on the ground.

Seeing that the two of them stopped fighting, Mu Fei immediately stepped forward and gave Ye Huang a thumbs up, and said with a doggy face: "Boss, you are so powerful, you are indeed my idol."

"Let's go back to the inn for dinner." Ye Huang glanced at Mu Fei lightly and walked towards the city.

Shangguan Yuntian saw that he had been ignored again, and felt sad again in his heart. He quickly stepped forward and pushed Mu Fei who was walking with Yehuang aside, and then said to Yehuang with a flattering face: "Little Huanger, After fighting for so long, let me treat you to dinner."

Hearing this, Yehuang turned her head and glanced at Shangguan Yuntian. She still couldn't get enough of the hearty fight just now.If he can fight with Shangguan Yuntian from time to time in the future, it would be a good choice.

So she nodded.

"Great!" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang and nodded, very happy, almost hugging Yehuang, and worried that Yehuang would be unhappy, not to mention there was a big light bulb.So, the hand stretched out halfway but retracted again.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian's happy expression, Yehuang was a little speechless, but there was a smile on his face.

Mu Fei, who was walking beside him, blinked, looked at this, then at that, and then laughed alone.

His intuition told him that the two people around him were definitely having an affair.Even though Yehuang often didn't treat Shangguan Yuntian well, she treated him the most special.

It was dark and the city gates were closed.

The three of them didn't even call the door, but went directly over the wall and entered the city, and then went straight to feel at home.

The reason why I feel at home is that it is not only an inn, but also a restaurant.And many of the dishes in it were created by Yehuang, which she likes.

What's more, if there is a business to do, it is natural to choose your own home.

At this time, at the gate of the inn, the shopkeeper had already been waiting at the gate.Seeing Yehuang come back, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he had confidence in his master, it was Shangguan Yuntian who fought Yehuang.

There are a lot of rumors about Shangguan Yuntian, both in the rivers and lakes and among the common people.The most talked-about thing in the world is that he debuted at the age of 16 and became the number one master in the world's master list.

Being so powerful at such a young age makes everyone in the martial arts world fearful.In addition, he is a god of killing, and he is full of evil spirits. People in the rivers and lakes say that he would rather provoke the king of Hades than the king of Yun.

Therefore, he was a little worried about Yehuang.Now, seeing his master returned safely, he finally felt relieved.

"Master, you come back!"

"Well, prepare meals, I'm hungry." Yehuang confessed, went straight into the inn, and went to the small courtyard where she lived.

After a fight, she was sweating all over. She was going to wash and change clothes by the way.

Shangguan Yuntian followed closely behind and also entered the small courtyard.

The shopkeeper stared blankly at Shangguan Yuntian swaggeringly following his master into the courtyard, and he didn't come to his senses for a long time.

 Continue at night!
(End of this chapter)

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