The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1526 Strange Weather

Chapter 1526 Weird Weather ([-])

Time passed little by little, and Sima Feng became more and more anxious as he waited. Just when his patience was about to run out, he finally waited for the eunuch who came to deliver the order from the palace.

Sima Feng tidied up and went into the palace with the eunuch.

However, after entering the palace, he still didn't see Shangguan Yuntian, only saw Fengyun Third Young Master waiting for him.

"Where's your Majesty the Emperor?" Sima Feng scanned around, but couldn't help asking without seeing Shangguan Yuntian.

"The emperor has some things to deal with first, and he will come back later. He asked us to talk first, so we don't have to wait for him." Fengyun Third Young Master explained briefly, and Sima Feng had no choice but to sit down even if he was upset Come down and negotiate with Fengyun Sanshao on those conditions.

But at this time, Shangguan Yuntian was in Ci'an Palace.He deliberately took the time to convince the Empress Dowager that she wanted to take the imperial conquest by herself.

Hearing that Shangguan Yuntian said that he wanted to be conscripted personally, the Empress Dowager definitely disagreed at first.Anyway, Shangguan Yuntian is already the emperor now, how can an emperor go to fight.It's not a chaotic world now.

Moreover, it's not that Dazhao doesn't have generals, he just went to help the Donghua country, there is no need for Shangguan Yuntian to come out.

But when Shangguan Yuntian told his reason for going, the Empress Dowager finally fell silent.After a while, he asked, "Does Huang'er agree?"

"Huang'er has already agreed."

Hearing Shangguan Yuntian said that Yehuang agreed, the Empress Dowager stopped talking.Forget it, young people's affairs, let them handle it by themselves.She is already old, just enjoy her old age peacefully.

In this way, the test of the Empress Dowager has also passed.Shangguan Yuntian changed his way to the place where the Supreme Emperor lived. Although the Supreme Emperor did not agree with Shangguan Yuntian's approach, he was finally persuaded.

After bidding farewell to the Supreme Emperor, Shangguan Yuntian had a faint smile on his face, and the matter of Yujia's personal conquest was confirmed.

When Shangguan Yuntian returned to Qinzheng Palace, Fengyun Third Young Master had almost finished talking with Sima Feng, and was waiting for Shangguan Yuntian to make a final decision.

Shangguan Yuntian sat down, took a look at the conditions negotiated by the two, and made sure that he had not compromised too much, and Sima Feng also showed considerable sincerity, and signed the name.

After signing, Shangguan Yuntian handed the document to Fengyun Third Young Master, and ordered: "Go and draw up two contracts."

"My minister complies with the order." Third Young Master Fengyun took the document and left in a hurry.

Half an hour later, he came over with two contracts, asked Shangguan Yuntian and Sima Feng to sign respectively, and stamped the national seals of the two countries, and it was considered completed.

It wasn't until this moment that Sima Feng finally let go of his hanging heart, then he stood up and bowed deeply to Shangguan Yuntian.

"On behalf of the people of Donghua Kingdom, I thank His Majesty Emperor Dazhao."

"Prime Minister Sima, you don't need to be too polite. As a neighbor and friend of Dazhao, Donghua is in trouble now. We should help."

Shangguan Yuntian said politely, and then told Sima Feng about the time when Dazhao sent troops, and asked Fengyun Third Young Master to lead him out of the palace.

Because Dazhao had already made preparations, no matter whether it was food, grass or troops, they had already dispatched, and they were ready to set off just waiting for Shangguan Yuntian's order.

For this reason, Shangguan Yuntian set the departure time of the army on the third day.He set aside a day to handover with the Supreme Emperor and inform the ministers, and he also set aside a day to accompany Yehuang and the children.

Time passed quickly, and two days passed in a blink of an eye.On the third day, the army was about to set off.

(End of this chapter)

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