The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1528 Strange Weather

Chapter 1528 Strange Weather ([-])

"Mother, don't cry! Don't cry!"

Tuantuan's voice came again, and Yehuang cried even harder.She hugged her son tightly, tears streaming down her face.

Seeing Yehuang crying fiercely, Yuanyuan started crying too.The mother and daughter cried together, making Tuantuan not sure who to wipe the tears for.

He helped Yehuang wipe it first, and then helped Yuanyuan wipe it, feeling a little flustered.

Fengyun Third Young Master stood not far behind Yehuang, looking at the crying mother and child, couldn't help feeling distressed.

He walked up to the three of them, handed Yehuang a handkerchief, and said, "Huang'er, be strong, the emperor will be back soon."

Hearing Fengyun Third Young Master's voice, Yehuang slowly stopped crying.He took his handkerchief, wiped his tears, and called out, "Cousin."

"Let's go, I'll take you back to the palace." Fengyun Third Young Master said while hugging Tuantuan and Yuanyuan.

Shangguan Yuntian entrusted Yehuang, mother and son to him, and he had to take good care of them.

"Okay!" Yehuang nodded, looked up, and Shangguan Yuntian and Dajun had long since disappeared.

Behind Sima Feng and the army, they headed back towards Donghua Kingdom.He sat on the horse and looked behind him from time to time.Before, he saw Yehuang standing on the tower, and saw her embracing and saying goodbye to Shangguan Yuntian.

He never thought that Shangguan Yuntian would personally lead troops to help Donghua Kingdom.As for the prestige of Shangguan Yuntian, it can be said that no one in the four countries knows it, no one knows it.With him on the way, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

But seeing him and Yehuang parting because of this, he felt a little guilty.It's all because he is useless, otherwise it wouldn't be where it is today, and it wouldn't be necessary for the Jokhang to send troops to assist.

The army was getting farther and farther away from the capital, and the shadow of the city tower had long since disappeared.Only then did Sima Feng retract his gaze, and then followed closely behind the army, heading for the border of Donghua Kingdom.

At this time, the army of Donghua Kingdom and Xishui had arrived for several days.As soon as they arrived in Donghua country, they immediately contacted the rebels, and after a short rest, they began to attack Donghua.

As for Xishuiling, who was with the Xishui army, he showed his face during the first day of attacking the city, and stayed in the tent for the rest of the time.

A woman in Xishuiling was mixed with a group of soldiers, which made her very uncomfortable.He wanted to go out for a walk, but Xishui Chuxuan refused.

It wasn't until the third day that Xi Shuiling couldn't stay still any longer, and put a dagger on her neck, threatening her with her life, and then she got the chance to go out.

She left the camp under the escort of two guards and headed for the town.

Of course, Xi Shui Ling didn't dare to go to the towns that had not been captured by the Xi Da Shui Army, she was afraid of death.Therefore, they could only go back. Before going, they had already captured the town guarded by the Xishui Army.

Xishui Ling who left the army was very happy. When Xishui Chuxuan brought her to the city for the first time, she already knew the purpose of Emperor Xishui for letting her come with the army.

Now that the goal has been achieved, why should she stay in a place like the barracks.

Although Xi Shui Ling was smart, she only guessed half of Xi Shui Huang's intentions.Otherwise, he wouldn't have wanted to leave the barracks all the time.

After all, in the barracks, it wasn't easy to kill her anyway.But this departure, it is as easy as pie to attack her.

One is because Xishui Ling doesn't have particularly powerful guards around her, and the other is that although the place she goes is guarded by the Xishui Army, it is still quite chaotic.

 Thank you Shengsheng for your reward, thank you!In addition, in the previous chapters, I made a mistake in the name, which has been corrected.For this, I would like to say sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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