The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1533 Soldiers Trapped in the Valley

Chapter 1533 Soldiers Trapped in the Valley ([-])

"It's okay, you'll know after you try it."

"Okay, let's try it."

The two talked again about the astronomical phenomenon.In the end, it was decided to only tell the generals. As for ordinary soldiers, it is better not to say anything.

After the discussion, Yunfei said goodbye and left, and went to a meeting with the platoon generals.Shangguan Yuntian asked Qin Chao to be brought back, and asked him to send a message to the people in Yan Dian to search for that capable person with all his strength, and then kill Wushe.

The news of the vision from the sky in Donghua Kingdom also reached Ye Huang's ears.When she heard the news, she couldn't help but worry about Shangguan Yuntian and Dajun.

Yehuang knew more about this kind of thing than Shangguan Yuntian. Although there were so-called visions from the sky, it was rare to encounter them once in thousands of years.And like Donghua Country, it happens almost every few days, which is simply impossible.

Therefore, Ye Huang knew it was man-made right away.Just because he knew it was man-made, he was even more worried about Shangguan Yuntian.

It would be easier if she was by Shangguan Yuntian's side.Can help Shangguan Yuntian come up with a plan, make a plan or something.

But now, she is far away in Dazhao, so she can only be anxious.However, she still wrote a letter to Shangguan Yuntian, telling him about the astronomical phenomenon and some precautionary knowledge she knew.

After writing the letter, Ye Huang wrote another letter to Ye Feng, asking him to send the elites of the ghost gate to find the person who can change the sky.

Seeing the letter being sent away, Yehuang still couldn't feel completely relieved.At this time, she especially wanted to rush to Shangguan Yuntian's side and fight side by side with him.

But when she saw Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan who were enjoying themselves, she gave up this idea again.Now she is not only Shangguan Yuntian's wife, but also a round mother.They were so young, she couldn't leave them alone.

Yehuang suppressed her worry and uneasiness, walked up to the two treasures, put them on the cart, and prepared to take them out for a walk, and let herself calm down by the way.

She pushed the two treasures and walked quietly in the garden with a worried look on her face.The babies also seemed to know that their mother had something on their minds, they were always quiet and no one was making noise.

Even Yuanyuan, who always liked to be noisy, was rarely quiet. She didn't even play with her favorite flowers, and just looked at Yehuang so quietly.

After walking all the way, Ye Huang was still full of worries, how could she be in the mood to appreciate the scenery.It wasn't until I was tired that I remembered that I was pushing the babies around the garden.

So, she stopped, squatted down, smiled apologetically at the two treasures, and said, "Tuanyuanyuan, I'm sorry, mother has neglected you."

The two treasures looked at Ye Huang and shook their heads.They knew that mother was in a bad mood, since father left, they rarely saw mother smile.

Therefore, the two treasures prayed in their hearts every day, so that their father would come back soon, so that they could see their mother's smile every day.

For them, there is nothing more beautiful than a mother's smile.

Seeing the sensible look of the two treasures, Yehuang couldn't help feeling sad again.Thinking of this period of time, I have been depressed every day, so that I even neglected the two treasures, and I couldn't help but blame myself and feel guilty.

Yehuang lowered her head, kissed the two treasures on the forehead, with a smile on her face, and then took them to the pavilion to rest.

The maids and nuns who followed Yehuang and the babies felt relieved when they saw Yehuang finally smiled again.

(End of this chapter)

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