The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1542 Ye Huang leaves Beijing

Chapter 1542 Ye Huang leaves Beijing ([-])

He didn't stop until there was a sound of footsteps, and a man in black walked into the big tent. Then he looked at the person and asked, "How is it, have you found the military advisor?"

"Reporting to the lord, the subordinates are incompetent and have not found the trace of the military adviser." The man in black knelt in front of the lord, bowed his head and replied.

"What?" When the lord heard this, he immediately became angry, and cursed loudly: "Waste, a bunch of waste, even a single person can't be found. What does this lord want you to do?"

Now the rebellious army has suffered a disastrous defeat, and the military division has disappeared, making him like a headless fly, not knowing what to do.In the past, with a military advisor by his side, he didn't have to worry about anything, as the military advisor had made arrangements for him.

But now, as soon as the military division disappeared, the Lord began to panic.He knew that he didn't know the art of war and couldn't fight.Those generals were all unreliable, and he didn't know what to do.

"Your Majesty, please calm down." The man in black braced himself and continued, "When my subordinates were looking for the military advisor, they found that the people from Dazhao were also looking for someone. I heard that His Majesty the Emperor of Dazhao has disappeared."

"What did you say?" His Majesty was taken aback, looking at the man in black.Shangguan Yuntian disappeared, true or false.If it is true, then does he need not be afraid?

If Dazhao's army did not have Shangguan Yuntian, it would definitely be a puppet without a soul.

If he spread the news, would it be possible to shake Dazhao's military morale and make them lose without a fight?

The more he thought about it, the lord felt that his idea was good, so he looked at the subordinate who was kneeling in front of him eagerly, and asked, "Is your news accurate?"

"Return to the lord, the news is accurate." The man in black saw that the lord's face softened, and then he was slightly relieved.

Just now he was really afraid that the Lord would kill him in a fit of anger.Fortunately, the news saved his life.

"Great!" The lord became happy. If the news is true, it doesn't matter if the military advisor is there or not.He just doesn't know how to fight. As for other conspiracies and tricks, he is no worse than others.

"Okay, you go down and continue to look for the military adviser." The Lord waved his hand and let the man in black go down.Sitting in the big tent, he thought about how to pass the news he just got to the soldiers of Dazhao and expand his influence.

When the Lord was thinking about how to shake the morale of Dazhao's army, if he gave Dazhao's soldiers a hard blow, Yun Fei, who had won the battle, had a bad expression on his face.

Because the emperor and his guards, who took 1 people to copy the enemy's back, did not come back, which made him worry uncontrollably.

According to the person who came back, the emperor sent them to sneak attack on the enemy's camp, while he himself went to meet the capable man who knew how to do it with his guards.

However, no matter what time it is now, not only the emperor has not returned, but even his guards have not returned, he is worried that something will happen to them.

No, he couldn't wait any longer.He had to have someone go and see what was going on.

"Come on!" Yun Fei called out.

A personal soldier came in and said, "General Yun, what are your orders?"

"You go to order people from the first battalion, and go out with this general." Yunfei ordered, took the weapon at the same time, and prepared to find someone.

At this time, a man in Tsing Yi suddenly appeared in Yunfei's tent.

Seeing the person who suddenly appeared in his tent, Yunfei was taken aback for a moment, and immediately unsheathed the long sword in his hand, saying, "Who is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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