The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1552 The Mountains and Fields

Chapter 1552

He secretly decided that if he succeeds, the first thing to do is to kill Taoist Master Tianji.Otherwise, even if he becomes the emperor, he will not feel at ease.

After all, Daoist Tianji is really powerful, not only can change the sky, but also can do anything.

But these days, where did Daoist Tianji and Shangguan Yuntian go?Why can't I find any of them, I can't see people when I'm alive, and I can't see corpses when I'm dead.

Of course, for the lord, this is not a good time for Taoist Master Tianji to die.He also relied on him to help seize the country of Donghua.

Therefore, Daoist Tianji can't die now, he has to live, and he has to find the other party as soon as possible.

Thinking about it, the lord shouted: "Come here!"

However, usually someone would show up when he shouted, but today, no one showed up for a long time. This made the Lord frowned, and a sense of uneasiness surged in his heart.

"Come on!" His Holiness called out again, but there was still no response and no one came.

How is this going?

The lord began to be on guard in his heart, and tried to shout again.Still the same, no one showed up.So, he stood up and was about to go out to take a look, when he heard a cold voice: "Don't shout, your people won't come."

"Who?" The Lord was startled and shouted loudly.

"Yehuang!" Yehuang said as she appeared.

"Yehuang?" The Lord was startled, and stared blankly at Yehuang.Yehuang, wife of Shangguan Yuntian, empress of Dazhao.How did she appear here?

Could it be because of Shangguan Yuntian's disappearance?

Thinking of this reason, the Venerable Lord couldn't help but gloat over others' misfortune.Shangguan Yuntian disappeared, and Ye Huang came, can he kill Ye Huang too?
In this way, the Dazhao would definitely be in chaos without the empress.At that time, will he be able to take Dazhao back?

The lord was having a sweet dream, and his body suddenly went numb, and then he came to his senses, looked at Ye Huang with a shocked face, and asked, "What did you do to me?"

"Guess?" Ye Huang curled her lips into a smile, and then made a gesture.Following her movements, two brothers from the ghost gate appeared in an instant, and directly put the Lord who had been poisoned by Yehuang into a sack.

"What do you want to do, let me go, let me go." The Lord shouted while struggling.

Hearing his yell, Ye Huang frowned, and then directly knocked him out with a knife.

"Take it away!" Yehuang ordered, and then left the lord's tent first.

Things went smoothly, and Ye Huang breathed a sigh of relief.Before, she was always worried that she would be discovered. Fortunately, there were people from the special team to divert the attention of the rebel army, and because the Lord sent everyone out to find Taoist Master Tianji, so there were not many people around him. Let Yehuang take advantage of the loophole.

The lord's camp was originally a little far away from the army, and it was guarded by his own people.Now, Yehuang has brought down all his people, so no one noticed that he was missing for a while.

After successfully bringing the lord out, Ye Huang sent out a signal for people to evacuate.

Yehuang brought the lord back to the temporary place where he lived, and then let him out, and immediately poured a basin of cold water on him to wake him up.

As soon as his body was cold, the Venerable Master woke up with a jolt, and then shouted loudly: "Who poured water on this Venerable Master? Don't want to live anymore?"


Hearing these two words, the Venerable Master's eyes narrowed, and only then did he see clearly who was standing in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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