The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 156 The Coach Was Seriously Injured

Chapter 156 The Coach Was Seriously Injured ([-])

"Boss, you are finally here."

Yehuang gave everyone a big smile, and then asked: "How is the situation in the city?"

In the past two days, she came here in a hurry and didn't even take a break, so she didn't receive any information from Yaocheng, so she was eager to know.

Calculated according to the time, the Beimo army should have arrived at dawn yesterday. I wonder if they fought against the defenders?
"Boss?" Xue and Huo looked at Yehuang and wanted to stop talking. They didn't send a letter back because they knew that the boss was coming these two days.

"What happened?" Yehuang saw that the expressions of the two were not right, and her heart sank involuntarily.

"Boss, let's go back and talk." Xue said, this city gate is not a good place to talk.

"Lead the way." Hearing what Xue said, Yehuang knew the seriousness of the matter, so she kicked the horse and walked towards it without asking any further questions.

Soon, the group arrived at a courtyard in the city.The courtyard is occupied by three people, and the environment is not good, but there are many houses, even if there are two teams living in it, there are still vacant rooms.

Mu Fei didn't ask anything, and walked beside Yehuang silently.

As soon as Yehuang entered the yard, she asked Mu Fei to go down to rest.And she herself followed Xue to the hall.

"Tell me, what happened?" Ye Huang sat down on the chair and asked again.

"Boss, General Ye is injured." Xue looked at Ye Huang with self-blame.She was responsible for protecting Ye Feng's safety, but something happened to him.

"Injured? Is it serious?" Yehuang was startled and worried.As soon as the enemy army arrived, the coach was injured. How to fight the battle after this?
Xue and Huo didn't speak, but their faces looked extremely heavy.

"Very serious?" Yehuang understood what was going on at a glance, so she stood up and said to the two, "Where is the general's mansion, take me to see it."

"Yes!" Xue responded, got up quickly, and carried Ye Huang towards the general's mansion with her lightness kung fu.

Just as the two of them left, a cyan figure came across the sky, it was Shangguan Yuntian.

When Huo realized that someone was breaking in, his expression turned ugly instantly, and he immediately found the signal to summon the team members.

When Shangguan Yuntian landed in the small courtyard, 20 members of the Fire Phoenix team were already in place and quickly surrounded him.

"Who dares to break into a private house?" Huo snarled, pointing the long sword at Shangguan Yuntian.The other team members pressed their hands tightly on their weapons, ready to go.

"Shangguan Yuntian."

Shangguan Yuntian opened his thin lips lightly, and said his name lightly.

"You are the King of Yun?" Huo looked at Shangguan Yuntian in surprise, unable to understand why he appeared here.

"It's this king, where's your master?" Shangguan Yuntian asked indifferently.He didn't go to the city with Yehuang before, but went to deal with private affairs.

As soon as he entered the city, he heard that Ye Feng was injured, so he came to look for Ye Huang specially, planning to go and see with her.

"Master is not here, what's the matter with King Yun?" Huo looked suspiciously at Shangguan Yuntian, guessing the purpose of his appearance.

"Where did she go?"

Shangguan Yuntian frowned, and wondered where this woman had gone. She has been driving day and night for two days, isn't she tired?

"No comment." Huo didn't know that he couldn't guess Shangguan Yuntian's purpose, and he didn't dare to reveal Yehuang's whereabouts to him rashly.

Shangguan Yuntian's face darkened, his body flashed with hostility, but he just took a deep look at Huo, then flew up and left the small courtyard.

He had already guessed where Ye Huang had gone.

(End of this chapter)

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