The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1562 Breaking into the Secret Realm by Mistake

Chapter 1562 Breaking into a Secret Realm by Mistake ([-])

"Aren't you leaving?" The person who asked the question had an ugly face when he heard the leader's answer, and said, "Since they are coming to die, then we will fulfill them."

"Don't talk nonsense." The leader scolded, and then ordered the people behind him: "Warn them again."

"All right!"

As a result, another wave of arrows headed towards Yehuang and the others, interrupting their plan to rest again.

"What the hell are they trying to do?" Someone muttered in dissatisfaction, and while avoiding the rain of arrows, they practiced lightness kung fu and swiped in the direction of the arrows.

The sky clansmen who released the arrows were not happy when they saw someone coming towards their hiding place with their arrows.

So some of them aimed their arrows at the man who was coming towards them, and shot them.The people Yehuang brought with him were naturally skilled.

Therefore, even in the rain of arrows, even if the opponent's arrow was aimed at him, he still avoided it.

Seeing that the arrow he shot was avoided by the opponent, the people of the Tianzu were angry and shot several arrows in a row.However, these arrows were still avoided by the opponent.

Not only that, the other party has already seen them.

Seeing the hiding place of the people of the Tianzu, the brothers of the Ghost Sect were overjoyed, and while saying "I found them" to the Yehuang and brothers who flew over afterward, they moved towards the people of the Tianzu who were hiding. place rushed.

"Brother Hua, what should we do? They're coming up." The people of the Celestial Clan saw that the arrow was useless to Yehuang and the others, so they couldn't help panicking.

"What should I do? Just kill it." Someone said.Since Yehuang and the others were ignorant and refused to leave, they had no choice but to execute the patriarch's order and kill these people.

"Don't act rashly, I'll persuade them later." The man called Brother Hua, who was the leader this time, suddenly spoke.He really doesn't want to hurt people, but if the other party doesn't listen to persuasion, then he has nothing to do.

"Brother Hua, you are too soft-hearted. They will definitely not listen to your advice. If you don't believe me, you can give it a try."

As soon as the other party finished speaking, the brother from the ghost gate had already arrived in front of them, and he directly waved his weapon and shot at the people of the Tianzu.

"Stop!" Brother Hua watched, and at the same time he yelled, he raised his hand to stop the other party's movement.

When Brother Hua called to stop, Yehuang just arrived, so he gestured to the people under his hand, telling everyone not to do anything yet.

Seeing that everyone stopped, Yehuang looked at Brother Hua and said, "I'm Yehuang, I'm taking the liberty to come here, please forgive me."

"Madam, Tianshan doesn't accept outsiders, please take your people and leave quickly." Brother Hua glanced at Ye Huang and said.

"Sorry, I may not be able to promise you." Ye Huang shook her head, she would not leave until she figured out the reason.

"You mean you have to go up the mountain?" After hearing Ye Huang's words, the Tian clansmen at the side all changed their expressions and turned cold.

"I'm sorry, we have to go up the mountain." Yehuang apologized, she had to go up this mountain.Otherwise, she will regret it.

"Brother Hua, did you hear that? They didn't listen to your advice at all, they insisted on going up the mountain. In this case, there is nothing else to say, just follow the patriarch's order."

"Shut up!" Brother Hua glared at the person who spoke displeasedly, then looked at Ye Huang, and said, "Madam, can you tell me the reason why you have to go up the mountain? You know, our Tianshan Mountain has been around for nearly a hundred years. Come on, never entered the outsider."

(End of this chapter)

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