The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 158 Meeting Grandfather and Grandson

Chapter 158 Meeting Grandfather and Grandson (Part [-])

The doctor looked at the tools that Yehuang put out, his eyes widened, his face was full of shock.After practicing medicine for decades, this is the first time he has seen this kind of knife.

What is this person up to?
The doctor watched Yehuang's movements intently, while guessing the usefulness of these tools.

Ye Huang took a pair of scissors from the tools, and cut Ye Feng's blood-stained clothes directly, revealing his chest and the exact location where the long arrow hit.

Seeing the position clearly, Yehuang's face softened a little.Fortunately, the location of the arrow looked scary, but it didn't hit the heart, and deviated a bit.

Fortunately, the position of the arrow was a little bit off, otherwise Ye Feng would not have been able to wait for Ye Huang, so he would have raised his braids.

Ye Huang was about to operate on Ye Feng to take out the long arrow, when there was a commotion outside the yard.

"Xue, go out and see what's going on?" Ye Huang asked Xue to go out to deal with the outside affairs with a cold face.

Xue led the order to leave, and the room fell silent.

Ye Huang put down the scissors, took out a pill from the medicine box, stuffed it into Ye Feng's mouth, and forced him to swallow it, then methodically sterilized the scalpel to be used.

Everything is ready, and the yard is quiet.Ye Huang ordered outside the door: "Xue, you stay outside for me, no matter what happens, don't disturb me."

Xue, who was about to enter the house to help, heard Yehuang's words, stopped her footsteps, and replied respectfully: "This subordinate understands."

After speaking, Xue replaced the two guards and stood outside the door.

In the room, Ye Huang had already started the operation.At this time, Shangguan Yuntian, who had just arrived at the General's Mansion, was standing in the yard, looking at Ye Feng's room, with his whole heart on his back.

He made the movement just now. He originally wanted to see Yehuang, but now he heard her words, so he had to stop and wait quietly.

He knew she was having surgery.

Just because I knew it, I was even more worried.Because in order to get here as soon as possible, Ye Huang hadn't closed her eyes or had a good rest for two whole days.

At this time, she was going to have an operation, and Shangguan Yuntian was worried that she would not be able to hold on.

And Yehuang really couldn't hold it anymore, but luckily she swallowed a slice of ginseng before she did it.

Ye Huang concentrated on cutting Ye Feng's chest, and then carefully took out the long arrow bit by bit.

When she took out the arrow completely, her body was already drenched with sweat, and her body was a little bit exhausted. She really wanted to find a place to sit down and rest for a while.

But Ye Feng's wound hadn't been stitched up yet, and was bleeding.So, she can't rest.I had to hold my breath and sew up the wound.

After finishing all this, Yehuang was so tired that she couldn't even stand still.So he yelled out the door: "Come on!"

Her voice was very soft, but it still reached the ears of Shangguan Yuntian who was worried about her outside.

So, after Yehuang shouted, he quickly opened the door and entered the room.

As soon as he entered the room, Shangguan Yuntian happened to see Yehuang's body that was falling to the ground.So startled, one of them flashed up to Ye Huang, and stretched out his arms to hug her.

"Little Huang'er, are you alright?"

Shangguan Yuntian held Yehuang in his arms, looking at her pale face and exhausted appearance, he was both worried and distressed.

Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian, blinked, and didn't even have the strength to speak.

"Little Huang'er, don't talk, I'll take you down to rest." Looking at Yehuang like this, Shangguan Yuntian was a little flustered, and his hands holding her trembled a little.

He didn't look at Ye Feng, nor paid attention to the other people in the room, and left directly holding Ye Huang.

 The fourth watch is over!Little Huang'er is exhausted, what will Yun Tian do?
(End of this chapter)

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