The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1585 Soul Control Soul

Chapter 1585 Soul Control Soul ([-])

He raised his head, looked at Ye Huang, and said with a pleading expression: "Empress, please, please let me go."

"Let go of you? Why didn't you let Shangguan Yuntian go before? The battle on the battlefield uses strategy, but what about you? What do you use? Crooked ways." Yehuang looked at Daoist Tianji coldly, watching him being poisoned Tortured to death, watching his will be crushed by the pain caused by the poison little by little.

"Yehuang, can you do this?" Tianshu was a little worried when he saw that Daoist Tianji was dying.Before, he asked Yehuang to use soul-stirring technique to get the way to rescue Shangguan Yuntian from Daoist Tianji, but he didn't ask her to use poison.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion." Ye Huang said lightly, she just wanted to break the will of Taoist Master Tianji, and it would be convenient to use the soul-stirring technique at that time.

Daoist Tianji was really tortured, he stared at Yehuang with a pair of lifeless eyes, and said, "I said, I'll say anything, please let me go."

Seeing that it was almost done, Yehuang suddenly hit Taoist Master Tianji on the forehead, then fed him a black pill, and then began to ask questions.

"Tell me, how did you make Shangguan Yuntian unconscious, and how can you wake him up?"

When Ye Huang asked, the pain in Taoist Priest Tianji's body stopped, but his eyes became hollow.What did Yehuang ask, what did he answer.

After asking, Yehuang was still not at ease, and directly used the soul-stirring technique to read the memory in Taoist Master Tianji's mind, and then let him go.

After getting what she wanted, Yehuang took her hand back.Tianshu on the side watched Yehuang stop, knowing that she had obtained the memory of Daoist Tianji with the soul-stirring technique, he couldn't help but feel relieved.

However, he suddenly remembered that at the beginning, Yehuang's questions and techniques seemed not to be soul-stirring techniques, so he couldn't help asking curiously: "Yehuang, at the beginning, you didn't seem to be using soul-stirring techniques." A technique? What kind of technique is that? This is the first time I’ve seen it.”

"That's not a spell, it's just hypnosis."

"Hypnosis?" Tianshu was a little puzzled, he had never heard of hypnosis.

"It's similar to soul-stirring, but it's a hint in the heart." Yehuang briefly explained, and then left the semi-secret room with Patriarch Tianshu regardless of the fainted Daoist Tianji.

As for Daoist Tianji, he was first poisoned by Ye Huang, and then hypnotized and insane. Even if he woke up, he would only be a lunatic.

Originally, Yehuang wanted to kill Daoist Tianji directly, but after thinking about it, he should wait for Shangguan Yuntian to wake up before dealing with it.

In any case, he was the chief culprit who caused Shangguan Yuntian to become unconscious. If Shangguan Yuntian wants to take revenge, he won't be able to find someone.

After leaving the secret room, Yehuang asked the head of Tianshu clan, Shangguan Yuntian, how much time he had left, to make sure that he would be fine for the time being, and did not rush to Tianchi to rescue him.

These days, her nerves have been tense, and she hasn't rested for a long time.She needs to take a good rest, and then digest the saving method that she got from the memory of Taoist Master Tianji.

Tianshu also saw Yehuang's exhaustion, so he didn't say anything, and took her back to the place where she lived.

Tianquan was very happy to see his grandfather and Yehuang back.She stepped forward and pulled Ye Huang's hand affectionately, and said, "Sister, did he say it?"

He knew that Yehuang and his grandfather went to the secret room to ask Taoist Master Tianji how to save his elder brother.Oh no, it should be called brother-in-law now.

Regarding the change of Shangguan Yuntian's identity, Tianji was quick to accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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