The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1598 Going down the mountain and leaving

Chapter 1598 Go Down the Mountain and Leave ([-])

He still has ten whips, but he doesn't want to add ten more whips because of the issue of heaven.

"Why not? I don't want to ride with you, I want to find my sister." Tianquan was annoyed and struggled again.

Qin Chao looked at it, didn't say anything, directly touched Tian Quan's acupoints, and said: "Be calm, or the master will get angry and send you back to Tianshan directly."

When Tianquan heard that he was going to send himself back to Tianshan, he really stopped making trouble.In addition, his acupuncture points were tapped, so he couldn't move at all, so he could only sit obediently on the horse's back.

A group of people rode their horses and galloped towards Mount Qingcheng.

At this time, Yun Fei was directing his men to attack the camp of the rebel army on Mount Qingcheng.

Since Yehuang captured the Lord a few days ago, these rebels have no leader and are in disarray.Several generals went their own way, he said to fight this way, and he said to fight that way.

Not only that, they also sent people to look for the Lord.But after searching for several days, there was no news.The Venerable Master disappeared without a trace just like the Daoist Priest of Heaven.

At first, Yunfei and others didn't know that the leader of the rebel army was no longer in the camp, so they didn't dare to act rashly for a while.

It wasn't until Night Breeze sent him the news that he knew that he immediately ordered to attack the rebel army.After the previous few confrontations, Yunfei already had a rough idea of ​​the level of the chaos army.

That's why he dared to lead troops to attack the opponent's barracks.

In addition, Shangguan Yuntian has been absent, although there is a fake replacement.But some people were already suspicious, so he planned to make a quick decision and wipe out the chaos army directly.

At this time, Yunfei didn't know that Shangguan Yuntian had been found, so he was still worried about how he would explain to everyone if someone found out that the person in the handsome tent was fake.

In the camp of the rebellious army, after receiving the news that Dazhao's army was coming, several generals immediately got together to discuss.

"The Dazhao Army is coming so fiercely, we're afraid we won't be able to resist it."

"That's right, Dazhao's soldiers are too brave. My men are no match at all. In my opinion, it's better to retreat."

"What retreat, you are fleeing without a fight."

"Otherwise, what else can we do? The military adviser disappeared, and the lord suddenly disappeared. What do you want us to do?"

"I think we still have to fight, otherwise the Dazhao Army thought we were afraid of them."

"Hit? How?"

Several generals sat together and fought back and forth, but failed to reach an agreement.At this time, Dazhao's army was less than five miles away from their camp.

Seeing that Dazhao's army was getting closer, the scouts had to rush to the camp where several generals were discussing matters, and shouted: "Report, Dazhao's army is less than five miles away from us."

"What?" The expressions of the generals changed when they heard this.The Jokhang army came too fast, they were not ready yet.

No, we can't discuss any more.

So, a general stood up and said: "Stop discussing, let's meet the enemy first."

"It's the most important thing to meet the enemy." Someone agreed.Therefore, several generals stopped discussing and hurriedly got up and left to arrange things to meet the enemy.

However, several generals once again acted independently, even if they were facing the enemy, they did not have a unified deployment.

Dazhao's army will arrive soon, according to Yunfei's platooned mission, the central army will attack, and the left and right wings will be responsible for the fleeing enemy army and support.

When Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang arrived at Mount Qingcheng, they saw Dazhao's army fighting with the rebel army.

Shangguan Yuntian sat on the horseback, watched from a distance, and did not step forward.

When everyone saw Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang stop, they also reined in their horses.

(End of this chapter)

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