The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1602 Donghua War

Chapter 1602 Donghua War ([-])

Earlier, Qin Chao told him that Yehuang came from Dazhao without rest for several days and nights after he got the news of his disappearance.

Thinking about it, Ye Huang spent days and nights without sleep, just to get to Donghua earlier, to find him earlier.Shangguan Yuntian's heart ached so badly.

That was his wife, the one he wanted to protect for the rest of his life, but he had suffered so much for him. He felt sorry for Ye Huang and his promise to her.

At this moment, Shangguan Yuntian finally realized that he was still too selfish.When leaving this time, he only thought of his own pursuit, but never considered Yehuang's feelings.

He knew that Yehuang would be reluctant to leave him, but he never thought about what would Yehuang do if something happened to him?
Therefore, Shangguan Yuntian secretly swore in his heart that no matter what happened to him in the future, he would never leave Yehuang again.He will always be by her side, be with her, and never be separated.

Yehuang fell into a deep sleep, Shangguan Yuntian looked at her for a long time, but she didn't wake up.

Shangguan Yuntian just sat like this, and the time passed bit by bit, until he was tired from sitting, he lay down beside Ye Huang, and then watched her sleep with his eyes open.

Yehuang didn't sleep for a long time, but after waking up, she felt extremely relaxed, as if she had let go of all the burdens on her body.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Shangguan Yuntian who was staring at her with burning eyes, she was slightly taken aback, and said, "Aren't you asleep?"

Shangguan Yuntian shook his head with a smile, then kissed Yehuang's forehead, and said, "I'm not sleepy."

After finishing speaking, he asked again: "How about you, are you still sleepy?"

"I'm not sleepy anymore!" Ye Huang shook her head, then put her pillow on Shangguan Yuntian's arm, her whole body stuck to his body, and asked, "Don't you need to go to the barracks?"

"No need!" Shangguan Yuntian said with a smile, he was relieved to have Yunfei in charge.At this moment, he just wanted to be with Ye Huang and be with her.

"Is nothing wrong?" Yehuang thought of what Yeyue said before, and couldn't help asking one more question.Before, Yeyue told her that in order not to shake the morale of the army, Yunfei asked him to make a fake Shangguan Yuntian.

Now that Shangguan Yuntian is back, if he doesn't go back to sit in town, is it really okay?
After all, a fake is a fake, and after a long time, there will definitely be people who suspect it.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Shangguan Yuntian comforted Yehuang, Yunfei had already told him about the affairs in the army.Now that there is a fake one sitting in town, he's really going to be lazy.

If there is really nothing to do, it will be the same if he goes again.After all, it's not far from the barracks.

Hearing what Shangguan Yuntian said, Yehuang didn't have much to say, and only said: "You know what's in your heart."

"Don't worry." Shangguan Yuntian smiled, then looked at Yehuang narrowly, and said, "Huang'er, have you thought about the reward you mentioned earlier?"

"What reward?" Yehuang was taken aback, staring blankly at Shangguan Yuntian, not thinking about it for a while.

"You actually forgot?" Shangguan Yuntian pretended to be surprised, then lightly pecked Yehuang's delicate lips, and asked, "Do you need to remind me?"

Ye Huang stepped back, as if she wanted to stay away from danger, then shook her head, "No, no, I will think about it myself."

"Really no need?" Shangguan Yuntian asked with a smile.

"It's really not necessary." Yehuang shook her head.

"Then have you made up your mind?" Shangguan Yuntian asked again.

"No!" Yehuang shook her head again.She didn't think about it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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