The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 161 Meeting Grandfather and Grandson

Chapter 161 Meeting Grandparents and Grandchildren ([-])

Compared to Yehuang who was sleeping deeply, Shangguan Yuntian had no sleepiness.

He was quite sleepy at first, but he didn't know why he couldn't fall asleep since he climbed onto Yehuang's bed and held her in his arms.

So, he just looked at Yehuang helplessly, suppressing the emotion and charm in his heart.

It's just that the more you suppress some things, the faster they ferment.Just like Shangguan Yuntian now, the more suppressed the emotional tide in his heart, the more he wanted to explode, until finally he couldn't hold it anymore.

Fortunately, Shangguan Yuntian was still rational, so he didn't do anything out of the ordinary.But Yehuang's cherry lips suffered a disaster.

He first kissed her lips lightly to relieve the pain of lovesickness.But once she kissed her, it was like being poisoned and addicted, and she never wanted to stop.

Shangguan Yuntian kissed Yehuang affectionately until she heard her screaming, then he had to stop, and then looked at her, worried that she would wake up.

Fortunately, Yehuang just turned around and fell asleep again.

Shangguan Yuntian watched Yehuang fall asleep again, relieved his heart, and then looked at her delicate lips that he had kissed, his eyes darkened.

Lowering his head, Shangguan Yuntian kissed Yehuang again, then lay down beside her, recited the mantra of clearing the heart silently, and then slowly closed his eyes.

I don't know if it was the Qingxin Mantra that worked, or the kiss just relieved the pain of lovesickness, this time Shangguan Yuntian quickly fell asleep.

The two fell asleep like this and didn't wake up until the next morning.

As for Ye Feng after the operation, he opened his eyes that night.

Zeng Quan, who was guarding Ye Huang, was very excited when he saw Ye Feng wake up, and said, "General, you are awake."

"Zeng Quan, how long have I been asleep?" Ye Feng just woke up, his voice was hoarse.

Zeng Quan stepped forward immediately, helped him up, leaned against the head of the bed, and poured him a glass of warm water.

After taking a sip of water, Ye Feng felt much more comfortable in his throat, and asked again: "What time is it now, has the Major General returned?"

"General, it's Zishi, you slept for two days and one night." Zeng Quan was an old man beside Ye Feng and knew what he cared about most.

"What, why have I slept for so long? How is the war going now? Where is the Major General?" Ye Feng became anxious when he heard that he had slept for so long, and struggled to get up.

Now is the critical moment, how could he sleep for so long.What if the army from Beimo invades?Su'er has no experience in leading troops in combat, can she stop Beimo's army?

"General, don't worry." Zeng Quan was startled, and immediately stepped forward to comfort Ye Feng, "There has been no movement in Beimo for the past two days, but the young general was worried that they might attack the city at any time, so he never came back from the army. .”

"Bei Mo didn't attack the city?" Ye Feng couldn't believe it. This Bei Mo came in a menacing manner. He called for battle at the gate of the city the second day after he arrived. Now that he was injured, how could he not attack the city?
"I heard it is so."

Zeng Quan has been by Ye Feng's side since he was injured, never leaving him, and knows little about the war outside.

"You go and find the housekeeper. I have something to ask him. By the way, there is Mr. Xue who rescued me that day. Where is he now? You can find him for me too."

"Okay, general, lie down and rest first, and I'll go find them right away." Zeng Quan put Ye Feng in order, and then left the room for the guard at the door to find them.

After a while, housekeepers Li De and Xue entered Ye Feng's room one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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