The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1611 Extinction of the Royal Family

Chapter 1611 Extinction of the Royal Family ([-])

After listening to Ye Huang's analysis, Qin Chao couldn't help sighing three times, and said, "I didn't expect this Lord to be quite ruthless."

"I guess he is more ruthless than that." Shangguan Yuntian said lightly, people who are ruthless to themselves will definitely be more ruthless to others.

I am afraid that the Lord's backhand is beyond their imagination.

"In order to confirm my guess, I want to take a look at the body of the Lord." Yehuang said suddenly, she hadn't discovered that the Lord had planted Gu worms on her body before.

"Now?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Ye Huang, almost a day had passed, and the Lord's body should have been disposed of long ago.

"Yes, now!"

Yehuang nodded, she had to take a look to be sure.Moreover, she wanted to know what kind of Gu the Lord used.

"The corpse may not be there anymore." Shangguan Yuntian frowned, then turned his head and asked Qin Chao, "Have you asked the dark guards to deal with the Lord's corpse today?"

"Returning to the Lord, except for one head, the body has been melted away with corpse powder."

"It's okay, just go and see the place where the corpse is transformed." Yehuang just wanted to confirm the guess in her heart, even if the corpse turned into water, if the body had been planted with Gu insects, it would be obvious.

"Lead the way!" Shangguan Yuntian said lightly, and Qin Chao turned around and took the two of them away.

Tianquan also wanted to follow, but was stopped by Yehuang, saying: "Tianquan, you are still young, so you don't want to go to this kind of thing, go back to the house and rest."

After hearing what Yehuang said, Tianquan had no choice but to turn around and go back to where he lived.

Qin Chao quickly brought Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian to the place where the Lord's body was disposed of, which was the room where he was locked up before.

It turned out that after the dark guard killed the lord, he directly chopped off his head, and sprinkled a handful of corpse powder on the rest of his body.

As he approached the house, Yehuang smelled the smell of corpse powder, so he frowned slightly and walked in.

She walked all the way to the corpse and stopped, then squatted down and checked the ground.

The Lord's body had already turned into water, leaving a watermark.

Yehuang squatted down, carefully looked at the watermark, looking for traces of Gu worms.After searching for a long time, Ye Huang found the clues, pointed to a place, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that he really used Gu, and he used Gu that must be fed with essence and blood. No wonder Donghua Huanghui died so quickly, this kind of Gu has been nourished by essence and blood. Even if Emperor Donghua doesn't die now, he won't live for long."

"Using essence and blood to nourish gu, is this lord crazy?" Qin Chao felt a little unbelievable after hearing this.Isn't this lord afraid that his essence and blood will be eaten up by Gu worms, and then he will die too?

"He's not crazy, how could he be crazy? There should be someone around him who can solve this Gu, and just wait for the event to be completed, and then get the Gu out. So, he won't die, but Emperor Donghua But it is certain to die."

After confirming that the Lord really killed Emperor Donghua with Gu insects, Yehuang remembered the words of the Lord again. He said that once he died, the Donghua Kingdom would be over, so Donghua would definitely not be the only one who might have an accident. Huang alone.

Otherwise, even if Emperor Donghua died, there would still be a son or brother to take his place and become the new emperor of Donghua Kingdom.Therefore, it is very likely that this lord has planted Gu on other people as well.

Thinking about it, Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian and said, "Yuntian, if all the people who can be emperors in Donghua Kingdom die, what will you do?"

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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