The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1613 Extinction of the Royal Family

Chapter 1613 Extinction of the Royal Family ([-])

Regardless of the consequences of these things, they have only one purpose, and that is to fulfill the master's last wish.

These black shadows are none other than the subordinates of the Lord.They were the people who had been lurking in the imperial city, and they were ordered to secretly monitor the movements of the imperial city.

However, this afternoon, they received news from their companions that their master was dead, their heads had been chopped off and hung on the city gate.

When they got the news, everyone was shocked, and they couldn't believe it. The master who told them that he would give them glory and wealth, and even be promoted to rank, just died like this.

They don't believe it, but facts are facts.Not only did they know that their master was dead, but they also knew that the military division was gone, and the entire chaotic army was in disarray.

At this moment, their dreams were shattered, so they hated and wanted to destroy everything.So, they remembered what their master had told them a long time ago, that if one day he died without accomplishing his great cause, let them destroy the royal family.

This is the last task left by the master, and they must complete it.So, there is everything at night.

Those people left the target mansions one by one and returned to where they lived, but they didn't leave immediately.They are still waiting, they are still making sure that those people are dead, otherwise they will be sorry for the master's cultivation.

So they stayed, and went to their respective houses to sleep.

In the darkness of night, no one knew that there had been such an episode. It wasn't until the next morning, when no one came out from the royal mansion, that someone went to check, and then there was an earth-shattering shock, that everyone knew what had happened.

When Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian got the news, they were preparing to have lunch.

Since Shangguan Yuntian went to the military camp in the morning, he came back a little late and ate a little late.

The two were eating, Qin Chao hurried in from the outside, bowed to the two, and said: "Master, madam, something happened in the imperial city."

"How is it? Did my guess yesterday be verified?" Yehuang put down the bowl and chopsticks, looked at Qin Chao and asked with a smile.

"Yes, ma'am, as you said, this lord is really ruthless. He even poisoned all the members of the royal family to death."

"Killed by poison?" Yehuang frowned slightly. She thought that the Lord's people would kill him face to face, but she didn't expect to use poison.

However, after thinking about it, I can understand it.Using poison is not only convenient, but also saves trouble.If the opponent goes in directly, it may not be successful.After all, there must be many guards in the mansion of the royal family, and it is not easy for those people to kill people.

"Yes, ma'am. According to the news that came back, the other party directly threw the poison into the well and the water tank in the kitchen."

"Has the news been confirmed? Are there any members of the royal family still alive?" Yehuang was most concerned about this, after all, the Lord had said before that he would die and Donghua would perish.She wanted to know how powerful the lord suddenly became, and whether he really controlled the list of all members of the royal family.

"Returning to Madam, according to our verification, there are 650 people in the entire Donghua royal family, ranging from the elderly in their 80s to [-] years old, and down to the newborn children. None of them have been spared."

"How do you say that the entire Donghua Kingdom's royal family has become extinct?" Yehuang didn't expect that there were so many people in the Donghua Kingdom's royal family, and couldn't help but change his face when he heard that.

This lord is indeed a lunatic, even the elderly and children will not be spared.

 Thank you Maple Leaf for your reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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