The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1616 War of Two Kingdoms

Chapter 1616 War between two countries ([-])

"I haven't said anything yet." Eunuch Liu shook his head.The news I just received only said that the person was found, but nothing else.

"Okay, I got it, you go down." The empress dowager asked Eunuch Liu to retreat, then looked at the empress, and said, "You write a letter to urge Yuntian and Huang'er to come back early. Just leave the fighting to the generals below."

"What the queen mother said is that I will write a letter right away." The Supreme Emperor agreed with a smile.It is indeed time for Shangguan Yuntian to come back. The war in Donghua will not end in a while, and he, the emperor, cannot stay outside forever.

The Supreme Emperor left Ci'an Palace, and the first thing he did when he returned to the imperial study was to write a letter to Shangguan Yuntian.

At this time, Donghua Kingdom, the military camp of Xishui.

The prince of Xishui, Xishui Chuxuan, was convening a meeting with his subordinate generals, and he also got the news that the royal family of Donghua Kingdom had been wiped out overnight.

This news made him very excited.

He felt that this was a good opportunity to win Donghua Kingdom in one fell swoop.After all, the entire Donghua Kingdom is in chaos now, except for the ministers, there is no one in charge at all.

Now, the only thing they fear is Dazhao's army.Xishui Chuxuan had already heard that Dazhao's army beat the rebel army like a bereaved dog, and the leader of the rebel army was also killed.

Therefore, the current rebellious army has no way to resist Dazhao's army at all. Sooner or later, Xishui and Dazhao will face each other.

For this reason, he needs to have a good discussion with the generals to see how he can take over the country of Donghua as soon as possible.It would be best if the entire Donghua Kingdom could be taken down, if not, half of the country would be good too.

Of course, it also depends on Dazhao's intentions.Now that there is such a good opportunity to bring Donghua into the territory, he does not believe that Shangguan Yuntian will remain indifferent.

Now, it depends on who is faster and who can grab more territory in Donghua Kingdom.

Xishui Chuxuan looked at the generals and asked, "The sudden death of the emperor of Donghua and the destruction of the royal family is a good opportunity for our army to attack on a large scale. What do you generals think?"

"His Royal Highness, the last general thinks that we should divide our troops into three groups and attack from these places to conquer the city of Donghua Kingdom." An older general stood up and gesticulated on the marching map.

"What other ideas do you have?" After the general finished speaking, Xishui Chuxuan looked at the other generals and asked.

"His Royal Highness, the last general has a problem." Another general stood up and said, "Now the rebel army can no longer hold back Dazhao's army. Since Donghua Kingdom is now without an owner, Dazhao will definitely not let go." But what if we run into Dazhao? Should we fight or negotiate?"

"What kind of negotiation is it? Of course it's a fight." A general said disapprovingly, they came to Donghua from Xishui so hard, didn't they just want to take Donghua down?How could it be possible to give half to others?

"That's right, just hit him straight away, and we're afraid that he won't succeed?"

"I think it's better to negotiate. Donghua is such a big country. It's good for one person and half, so as not to hurt the peace."

"What are you talking about, whoever has a hard fist belongs to Donghua Kingdom."

"But it's Shangguan Yuntian who came to Dazhao."

"So what if it's him? I'd like to meet him for a while to see if he's as amazing as the legend says."

"just you?"

"What's wrong with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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