The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1626 Plague Outbreak

Chapter 1626 Plague Outbreak ([-])

After speaking, he took Xishui Chuxuan back to the city and headed for the palace.

Xishui Chuxuan watched Qin Lei lead him into the palace, his face changed slightly.If he remembered correctly, the person living in the palace now should be Shangguan Yuntian.

In this way, these people are from Shangguan Yuntian.

Damn it, it seems that he was still careless, and he was stared at by Shangguan Yuntian's people without knowing it.No wonder everyone is so afraid of Shangguan Yuntian, his power really cannot be underestimated.

Qin Lei entered the palace, found Qin Chao, told the story, and then waited for Shangguan Yuntian to summon him.

Shangguan Yuntian had just entered the palace of Donghua Kingdom, and the chairs were still warm. He was listening to Sima Feng introduce the situation of the whole palace, when he heard the good news suddenly, a faint smile appeared on his face, and he said to Sima Feng: " Prime Minister Sima probably hasn't seen the prince of Xishui, why don't we go and see together."

"Okay!" Sima Feng responded with a smile. Although he doesn't like the prince of Xishui Kingdom, it's okay to see him.

So, he and Shangguan Yuntian went to the main hall where Xishui Chuxuan was imprisoned.

At this time, Xishui Chuxuan was locked in the hall alone, with several people guarding the door.As for his subordinates, they were also locked up, but they were not locked up with him.

Standing in the main hall, Xishui Chuxuan looked gloomy as he looked at the beautiful hall that was not inferior to the Xishui Imperial Palace.At this time, he regretted it very much. If he had known earlier, he would not have come to the city.

If he hadn't entered the city, he wouldn't have been arrested, and he would still be locked up here.

It's all right now, Shangguan Yuntian has arrested him, and he will definitely not let him go easily.Now he has directly become a hostage and a bargaining chip in future negotiations with Xi Shui.

Thinking of this, Xishui Chuxuan regretted and hated.

In the midst of remorse, there was a sound of footsteps, which made him raise his head and look in the direction of the door of the main hall.

With just one glance, he saw Shangguan Yuntian who was walking into the hall, and Sima Feng who was by his side.

Seeing Sima Feng, Xishui Chuxuan's eyes instantly filled with hatred.He felt that Sima Feng was to blame for everything, and if it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have fallen into this situation.

Sima Feng felt Xishui Chuxuan's hatred very quickly, and raised his eyebrows involuntarily.It seems that this Xishui Chuxuan has a lot of opinions on him, and he hates him so much.

Isn't it because they didn't dedicate the imperial city to Xishui?Didn't even look at what Xi Shui himself did?In the beginning, even if the Donghua Kingdom was not mentioned, they colluded with the rebellious army and made the good Donghua Kingdom full of wars and chaos.

He is not a fool, how could he hand over the country to such a person.

"You are the prince of Xishui, Xishui Chuxuan?" Shangguan Yuntian walked up to Xishui Chuxuan, and glanced at him lightly.

To be honest, since Xishui Ling did those things, Shangguan Yuntian has no good impression of the entire royal family of Xishui Kingdom.

"This palace is Xishui Chuxuan?" Xishui Chuxuan looked at Shangguan Yuntian, a little frightened by his sudden aura.But with a calm look on his face, he asked, "I don't know who you are?"

"Shangguan Yuntian!" Shangguan Yuntian said his name indifferently, and he didn't pay attention to Xishui Chuxuan's trick of deliberately pretending not to know him.

Since this Xishui Chuxuan wants to act and act, then let him do it.Anyway, he has become his prisoner, and there is nothing he can do except to kill himself.

(End of this chapter)

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