The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 163 Brother Trapped

Chapter 163 Brother Trapped (Part [-])

"Don't worry, General, the Immortal Doctor is still at the mansion and is resting." Zeng Quan answered while helping Yefeng to lie down with a smile.

He just woke up, so he should not be tired, he still needs to rest more.

Ye Feng is not a pushy person either, he knows exactly how his body is.Fell asleep soon after laying down on the bed.

Zeng Quan was also tired all day, and after Ye Feng fell asleep, he also fell asleep on the soft couch beside him.

After resting for the whole night, Yehuang was in good spirits, if she wasn't so hungry and singing "Empty City Strategies".

Yehuang opened her eyes, stretched out her hand to touch her stomach that had been starved and deflated for a long time, and got ready.

However, when she moved, she realized that there was something pressing on her waist, so she looked down.At a glance, his complexion instantly became ugly.

She saw a powerful big hand lying on her waist. Although her skin was fair, she could still tell it was a man's hand.

Damn it, how could there be a man in her bed?

Yehuang became annoyed, and looked up along that arm.When she found out that the person sleeping next to her was Shangguan Yuntian, her whole body exploded and she roared angrily, "Shangguan Yuntian!"

Shangguan Yuntian, who was soundly asleep, woke up after being yelled at by Ye Huang.He opened his eyes and looked at Ye Huang in a daze.

His appearance fell into Yehuang's eyes, making her even more annoyed, and waved her palm to greet that angry face.

When the strong wind arrived, Shangguan Yuntian reacted quickly, grabbing her hand before Yehuang's slap fell on his face.

"Little Huang'er, what's the matter with you?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang with a confused face, not understanding why he was angry so early in the morning and wanted to beat him.

"What's wrong?" Yehuang's anger grew a little more, she gritted her teeth and growled, "You still dare to ask me what's wrong? I'll ask you, why are you on my bed?"

Only then did Shangguan Yun understand why Yehuang was angry.

So, a smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Little Huang'er, is this why you want to murder your husband?"

"Get out! Whose husband are you? Tell me clearly why you are on my bed, or I will poison you to death." Ye Huang took out a silver needle from her body as she spoke, and waved it in front of Shangguan Yuntian's eyes shake.

"Okay, I'm scared of you. I'll tell you, I'll tell you." Shangguan Yuntian looked at the shining silver needle, pretended to be scared, and said, "Didn't you be exhausted yesterday? So I I brought you back, and then I was also tired, and fell asleep for some reason."

"Fall asleep for some reason?" Ye Huang looked at Shangguan Yuntian with a sneer, gritted his teeth and said, "Shangguan Yuntian, do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Even if you brought me back yesterday, I'm sleeping with you." What does it matter in my bed?"

"Little Huang'er, you have to believe me, I really don't know how I came to your bed." Shangguan Yuntian looked innocent, but he didn't dare to admit the bed he climbed on his own initiative, let alone tell Yehuang, I ate tofu while she was asleep, otherwise he would have looked better.

"You?" Ye Huang was shaking with anger, unable to say a word.She always knew that Shangguan Yuntian was a scoundrel, but she didn't expect him to dare to do it and dare not admit it, it really pissed her off.

"Little Huang'er, don't be angry, okay? I was wrong, I was wrong, can't you? You were tired all day yesterday and haven't eaten yet. You must be hungry. I'll send someone to bring food over .”

Seeing that Yehuang was very angry, Shangguan Yuntian didn't dare to be angry with her anymore, so he had to admit his mistake and then changed the subject.

(End of this chapter)

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