The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1630 Plague Outbreak

Chapter 1630 Plague Outbreak ([-])

Hearing what those people said, Qin Chao's expression changed instantly, he hurriedly left, and reported to Shangguan Yuntian.

He never imagined that the secret work of Xishui was so vicious that it caused a plague in the imperial city.

That's the plague!If one is not done well, it will directly turn a city into a dead city.

Qin Chao speeded up while thinking, and found Shangguan Yuntian who was about to rest.

"Master, something serious happened!" Qin Chao said eagerly when he saw Shangguan Yuntian.

"What happened?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Qin Chao and asked indifferently.

"Prince Xishui's subordinates have recruited. They told them that Xishui's secret work has created a plague in the imperial city, and they want to turn the imperial city into a dead city."

"What did you say, the plague?" Shangguan Yuntian's expression changed. Although he had never seen the horror of the plague, he had heard of it.The degree of horror is no less than natural disasters.

"Yes, Lord, according to those people, quite a few people have died in the slums of the imperial city." Qin Chao's complexion was also not good, and everyone was afraid of the plague.

"Immediately send someone to check, and send a letter to the queen, asking her to see how this plague can be controlled and cured."

"Yes, I'm going to make arrangements now." Qin Chao left in a hurry, and after a while, an urgent letter was sent from the imperial city, heading for the city where Yehuang was located.

At the same time as the letter was sent, Qin Chao personally went to the military camp, found Yeyue, and took him to the poor kiln to check the situation of the plague.

When Qin Chao, Yeyue and his party arrived at the poor kiln and saw the corpses all over the floor, and the people lying on the ground with pustules all over their faces, everyone's expressions changed.

"Pavilion Master Yue, please take a look, is this a plague?" Qin Chao turned his head and said to Yeyue.

"Don't worry about it, this is the plague. Go back and tell the emperor immediately, send troops over, isolate these people, and don't let them go out. Otherwise, once the plague spreads, the people in the entire imperial city will suffer. The imperial city is likely to directly become a dead city."

"Okay, I'll tell the emperor right now. However, I have to trouble Pavilion Master Yue to see if there is any way to control the spread of the plague, or to see if there is any prescription to cure the plague."

"Don't worry, I will try my best." Yeyue nodded towards Qin Chao, then watched him leave, and when she took out herself, she put on the prepared mask and walked into the plague area.

Yeyue went through the entire poor kiln and found that almost all the villages were infected with the disease.There is not a single healthy person here anymore.

When the patients who were infected with the plague saw Yeyue, some looked indifferently, while others stretched out their hands to him for help.

Facing the patient's eyes asking for help, Yeyue's heart was very complicated.He is a doctor, and he also wants to save them, but right now he has not thought of a way to restrain the epidemic and save these people.

Therefore, he could only leave in embarrassment under the eyes of those people begging for help and expecting.

After leaving the epidemic area, Yeyue went to a place close to the epidemic area and found that a small number of people were also infected.

After finding out the situation, Yeyue found a place to take a bath, changed into clean clothes, smoked with wormwood again, and then went back to find Qin Chao.

After Qin Chao reported what he saw to Shangguan Yuntian, he said Yeyue's words again.

After hearing Qin Chao's words, Shangguan Yuntian immediately ordered to send some soldiers to surround the plague area, and ordered that everyone was only allowed to enter and not to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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