The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1637 Test the Poison

Chapter 1637 Test the Poison ([-])

Because the well water is re-infected, it is a bit difficult to analyze.Yehuang stayed in the house for several hours and didn't come out, which worried Shangguan Yuntian and the people from Guimen.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark but Ye Huang hadn't come out yet, Shangguan Yuntian finally couldn't help knocking on the door and said, "Huang'er, you've been busy for so long, come out and have a rest."

"Wait a little longer." Ye Huang's voice came from the room, sounding very tired.

When Shangguan Yuntian heard this voice, his heart ached.Regardless of whether Yehuang would be angry, she pushed open the closed door of the room.

As soon as the door was pushed open, Shangguan Yuntian saw Yehuang's pale face and beads of sweat on his forehead at a glance.

"Huang'er, what's wrong with you?" Shangguan Yuntian stepped forward and hugged Yehuang with a worried face.

"I'm fine!" Ye Huang shook her head, pointed to the things on the table, and said, "Don't touch these things, they are all poison."

Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang, how could he believe that she was fine.So, without even thinking about it, I yelled, "Come on!"

Hearing Shangguan Yuntian's shout, Qin Chao quickly came to his side, and then shouted: "Master!"

"Go and find Yeyue, the empress is sick." Shangguan Yuntian ordered Yehuang while hugging Yehuang.

"Yes, this subordinate will go now." Qin Chaoyun flew away with lightness kung fu, and Shangguan Yuntian carried Yehuang back to the room where they were resting.

"Yuntian, I'm really fine." Seeing Shangguan Yuntian's worried expression, Yehuang smiled.But she didn't know how weak her smile was, which made Shangguan Yuntian feel more distressed.

"Huang'er, don't talk, take a good rest now. Yeyue will come soon." Shangguan Yuntian put Yehuang on the bed while talking.

Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian helplessly, hesitating in her heart, wondering if she should tell him that she became like this because of a poison test.

In order to make an antidote as soon as possible, she deliberately prepared a poison with the same effect according to the composition of the well water, and then ate it.

Before Yehuang could decide whether to say it or not, Yeyue came.

He walked into the room, came to the bed, glanced at Ye Huang, and then reached out to feel her pulse.When the pulse was finished, Yeyue's face became a little ugly, and she said, "Master, you have tested the poison."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang changed at the same time.Shangguan Yuntian changed his face because Yehuang actually tried poison with himself, which made him very angry.

And Yehuang's face change was because Yeyue told the story and let Shangguan Yuntian know.She knew Shangguan Yuntian well, and she would definitely be very angry when she found out that she had tested herself for poison.

So, Yehuang quietly glanced at Shangguan Yuntian, and when she met Shangguan Yuntian's eyes, she couldn't help shrugging her shoulders.

He was really angry.

"Yuntian, don't be angry, listen to my explanation, okay?" Yehuang signaled Yeyue to leave, and then reached out to pull Shangguan Yuntian's sleeve.

"Huang'er, do you know what you are doing?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang, holding back the anger in his heart.

She was his wife, and he didn't want to get mad at her.But she didn't discuss it with him when she did this kind of thing, which made him very angry.

Test the poison yourself!Did she think she was made of iron?Do you think she is really invulnerable to all poisons?What would she do if no antidote was found?
Could it be that she is going to become weaker day by day like those patients who contracted the plague?And wait to die?

(End of this chapter)

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