The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1648 The Doctor's Kindness

Chapter 1648 Doctor's Kindness ([-])
The two nodded towards Ye Huang, and then carried Mr. Liu out.

At this moment, Master Liu came to his senses, so while struggling, he said, "Master Prime Minister, are you just watching Weichen being kicked out like this? You don't have anything to say?"

Sima Feng looked at Mr. Liu, speechless, and then let him be taken out without saying anything.

After sending Master Liu away, Yehuang looked at the other ministers and asked, "Who else wants to be like Master Liu, you can leave now."

The other ministers looked at each other, bowed their heads and dared not speak.They never thought that Yehuang would just decide to stay with Master Liu.

It seems that they have to change their minds.Didn't you see that the prime minister stood aside and didn't speak, and even showed respect to the empress?
The other ministers who had figured it out suddenly became honest.

"No one wants to leave, right?" Yehuang glanced at all the ministers, and said, "Since you have chosen to stay, I don't want to hear what I said today again in the future, do you understand?"

"Sir, you understand."

"Since that's the case, let's talk about something." Yehuang didn't embarrass these ministers too much, after all, these people are still needed to work, otherwise she would have to be transferred from the ghost gate or Shangguan Yuntian's Yan Dian people come over.

The ministers were honest, and it was much faster to report the matter.They talked a lot, but Yehuang didn't mess up at all, and handled it quickly and well, and it was not inferior to the man in the slightest, even better.This made those ministers who had complained about Ye Huang immediately look at her with admiration.

At this time, they seemed to understand why His Majesty the Emperor of Dazhao would hand over the political affairs to Yehuang.

The busy time passed quickly, and it was time for lunch in a blink of an eye, Ye Huang asked everyone to stop and go back to eat.

After eating, rested for an hour, and started working again.I was so busy until it was dark that I finally finished dealing with the things that had piled up in the past few days.

Because she had to deal with government affairs, Ye Huang lived in the palace with Shangguan Yuntian.

After dinner, the two were walking in the garden.Qin Chao came to the two of them and said, "Master, Ma'am, Prime Minister Sima asks to see you."

"Sima Feng? It's so late, what is he doing here?" Shangguan Yuntian frowned when he heard that Sima Feng had come.

"Please invite him in." Yehuang didn't think too much about it.She felt that Sima Feng must have something urgent to enter the palace at this time, otherwise he wouldn't have come at night.

"Take him to the main hall over there and wait." Shangguan Yuntian added.Now that the other party has come, there is no reason for him not to disappear.

Qin Chao responded, turned and left, and within a short while, brought Sima Feng to the main hall closest to the garden.

Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian also left the garden and headed for the main hall.

When the two arrived at the main hall, Sima Feng had already arrived and was waiting for them standing in the middle of the main hall.Hearing footsteps, Sima Feng turned around and greeted the two of them.

"Sima Feng has met the emperor and empress."

"Prime Minister Sima is free." Ye Huang raised her hand slightly, motioned Sima Feng to get up, and then asked, "I don't know what is the matter that Prime Minister Sima came so late?"

"Your Majesty, Empress, I am here to ask for something."

"What's the matter?" Shangguan Yuntian asked lightly.His intuition told him that Sima Feng would definitely not be begging for himself this night, but most likely begging for Yehuang.

Sure enough, as soon as he had a thought in his mind, he heard Sima Feng say: "I want to ask my mother to go out of the palace to see a doctor."

 Thanks for the reward from 1915715955, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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