The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1650 The Doctor's Kindness

Chapter 1650 Doctors' Benevolence ([-])
"Qin Chao, send Prime Minister Sima out of the palace."


When Sima Feng left, Shangguan Yuntian still had a dissatisfied expression on his face, and said, "This Sima Feng is losing his eyes more and more."

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian getting angry, Yehuang reached out to hold his hand, and said, "Don't be angry, it's not worth it for such a trivial matter."

In fact, Ye Huang was also angry. She had always had a good impression of Sima Feng, but she didn't expect him to do such a thing today.

However, Sima Feng was right in saying that, a doctor is kind, she is a doctor, she should get rid of distracting thoughts and treat patients equally.

"I have to beat him hard some other day." Shangguan Yuntian said with an unhappy expression.This Sima Feng's ability is still good, and he doesn't want to abolish him unless it is absolutely necessary.

Yehuang smiled when she heard the words, but did not speak.

Because of this incident, the two of them were not in the mood to go shopping in the garden anymore, but went back to the bedroom to rest.

Back in the bedroom, the two talked for a while before resting.After breakfast the next morning, Yehuang still went to deal with political affairs.

I don't want to, as soon as I arrived at the Yamen, I saw a group of people around the door, pointing and talking to an old man kneeling in the middle.

Yehuang asked someone to inquire secretly, only to find out that the kneeling old man was Lord Liu's father.He is here today to plead guilty on behalf of Mr. Liu.

Knowing the ins and outs of the matter, Yehuang was a little speechless.Mr. Liu is really well ill. His father has come to apologize for his illness.

And in this way, the whole imperial city knew that Mr. Liu said something wrong and made him angry.Are they simply admitting their mistakes?Are you afraid?

While thinking, Yehuang walked towards the crowd.

As soon as she walked into the crowd, she was recognized by someone, so someone shouted: "The Empress of Dazhao is here."

As soon as these words came out, all eyes fell on Yehuang.At this moment, Master Liu's father also turned his head, kneeling and approaching Ye Huang step by step.

Seeing an old man in his 70s and [-]s walking towards him step by step on his knees, Ye Huang couldn't bear it, so he quickened his pace and walked up to him, asking, "Please get up, old man."

"The grass people kowtow to the empress, and the empress is a thousand years old." Not only did the old man not get up, but he saluted Ye Huang.

Seeing the other party like this, Ye Huang ordered Dong and Xia beside her: "Help the old man up, if you have anything to say, let's talk in the yamen."

Dong and Xia stepped forward to help the old man.At the beginning, the old man was still unwilling.It's just that both Dong and Xia are kung fu people, and with a bit of ingenuity, they helped each other up and went to the Yamen.

Yehuang watched Dong and Xia take the old man away, and then said to the people watching: "It's all right, everyone go back."

With no excitement to watch, the common people had no choice but to go back regretfully.

After dismissing the people, Yehuang entered the yamen, then looked at the old man who was guarded by Dong and Xia and sat in a chair, and asked, "I don't know what the old man's troubles are about today?"

"Empress, Caomin came here to plead guilty on behalf of the dog."

"The old man is serious. There is nothing wrong with your son. Everyone has freedom of speech, and everyone has different ideas and ideas. We can't force others. Therefore, you don't need to do this at all. The reason why I dismissed him as an official , just because he is not suitable for that position, that’s all. According to this palace, that’s not the purpose of the old man’s coming, is it?”

(End of this chapter)

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