The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1657 Mingxiu Plank Road

Chapter 1657 Mingxiu Plank Road ([-])

The three of them rested in the private room for a while, and it was almost time for lunch.So, Yehuang called the shopkeeper and asked him which restaurant in the imperial city had good food.

The shopkeeper heard that the three of them were going to eat, so he introduced a famous restaurant in the imperial city - Ruyilou.

Yehuang thanked the shopkeeper, settled the tea money, and left.

When it was time to pay the bill, the shopkeeper didn't want anything, so Ye Huang had no choice but to drop a piece of silver and leave.

After leaving the teahouse, the three of them headed towards the restaurant introduced by the shopkeeper.The restaurant is not far away, just diagonally opposite the teahouse.

When they arrived at the restaurant, they found that it was already full of people. Ye Huang was taken aback by this situation, and when he was about to ask Shangguan Yuntian if he wanted to change, the shopkeeper came out to welcome him and said, "Welcome Your Majesty, Your Majesty the Empress."

Shangguan Yuntian glanced at the other party indifferently, and asked: "Is there still a place to eat?"

"Yes, yes, there is a private room upstairs." The shopkeeper replied while leading the three of them upstairs.When they arrived at the private room, the three of Ye Huang sat down, and then said to the shopkeeper, "Bring some of your signature dishes here."

"Your Majesty and Your Majesty, please wait a moment." After the shopkeeper finished speaking, he withdrew.

While waiting for the food, Tianquan was a little bored sitting, so he asked Yehuang about the plague.The reason why he rushed over was because he was worried about Yehuang.

When Yehuang came, he wanted to follow.But because of the plague in the imperial city, Yehuang didn't let him follow.

Later, he was there alone. Although he could get news about Yehuang, but he didn't see it with his own eyes, he was still not at ease.

Only then did he sneak out.

No, he met Ye Huang as soon as he came, otherwise he would have to go to the ghost gate to inquire.

The restaurant served food very quickly, and within a short while, their tables were full.Tianquan swallowed his saliva when he saw the delicious dishes.

However, even though he was greedy, he didn't move his chopsticks immediately, but watched Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang raise their chopsticks, and then started to eat with a piece of chopsticks.

The shopkeeper of the teahouse didn't lie to them, the food in this restaurant, whether it's color, aroma, or taste, was considered top grade, and Ye Huang and the others were quite satisfied with it.

After lunch, Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang didn't stay outside for too long, but went directly back to the palace.After lunch, both of them are used to taking a lunch break.

In this way, I will have the energy to deal with government affairs or other things in the afternoon.

As for the right of heaven, Yehuang directly handed it over to Qin Chao for arrangement.After setting up Tianquan, Yehuang asked Dong to go to the gate of hell again, saying that Tianquan has arrived, so there is no need to worry.

After the break, Yehuang still went to deal with government affairs.Now there are ten cities to take over, and she has to make some preparations in advance.As for Shangguan Yuntian, he went to the army to discuss with Yunfei how to destroy Xishui's army.

Although Xishui Kingdom has now agreed to change the city, Shangguan Yuntian is still worried.After all, Xishui has hundreds of thousands of troops. If they attack again after exchanging Chicheng, it will be easy to lose.

After all, Dazhao only had so many troops. Even though Donghua Kingdom had surrendered a lot, it seemed that there were not enough troops to be distributed to various cities.

Just in case, Shangguan Yuntian felt that the Xishui army had to be taken down.

While Shangguan Yuntian and Yunfei were discussing how to take down Xishui's army, in Xishui's barracks, Xishui Chuxuan was also discussing with the generals how to take back these replaced cities.

(End of this chapter)

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