The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1660: Mingxiu Plank Road

Chapter 1660 Mingxiu Plank Road ([-])

After allocating the manpower, Qin Chao saw that there was nothing he had to do in the army, so he personally led the team to carry out the mission.

Qin Chao led his subordinates, directly used lightness kung fu, and chased after the retreating army in Xishui.

An hour later, they finally caught up with Xishui's army.At this time, Xishui's army was resting, which provided them with convenience.

Qin Chao looked at Xishui's army and thought that they would not leave for a while.So, after he glanced at the resting army, he went straight to the front.

Since they want to burn their food and grass, they must find a suitable place.Fortunately, there are mostly mountains and forests along this road, so it couldn't be more convenient to find a place to burn food and grass.

Therefore, when Xishui's army had rested and started on their way, Qin Chao had already led his men to lay in ambush on the road, and only waited for the opponent to arrive before he could attack.

After a while, Xishui's army appeared in the sight of Qin Chao and others.Watching the army slowly approaching, Qin Chao calculated the time bit by bit.

After the cart loaded with grain and grass arrived at their ambush, Qin Chao gave an order: "Shoot the arrow!"

As the sound fell, sharp arrows with flaming arrows flew away from the forest, heading towards the cart loaded with grain and grass.

"No, there's an ambush!" Dajun found the sharp arrows, so his expression changed and he shouted loudly.

And those food and grass were directly thrown away.

Qin Chao stood on the top of the tree, looked at those Xishui soldiers who fled because the grain truck was burned, and sneered.

At this time, they had completely forgotten that not all the grain trucks were loaded with grain and grass, and there were people blocked by grain and grass.

And the person who was hidden in the grain cart was fast asleep at this moment.After all, the road was bumpy, and they were comfortable lying in the grain and grass, so they all went to Zhou Ding for a date.

They didn't wake up until the grain truck was on fire and the heat wave hit, and then they tried to climb out of the grain truck one by one.

It's a pity that the grain cart was covered with grain and grass. With the fire and the heat wave, they couldn't get out at all.

Therefore, these soldiers hiding in the grain carts were burned alive.

As for the soldiers escorting the grain carts, they fled and stood aside and watched the grain and grass in the carts burn to the ground.

It wasn't until the burn was almost over that they thought of looking for the murderer.But at this time, Qin Chao had already withdrawn with his subordinates.

The news of the burning of the grain cart here was quickly spread back to Xishui's army, which made Xishui Chuxuan and the generals look very ugly.

"General, is this all right as you said?" Xishui Chuxuan asked the general who offered advice with an angry look on his face.

"Your Highness, put down your anger. The general did not expect Shangguan Yuntian to come up with this move." The general had a look of self-blame and guilt. Although he thought that Shangguan Yuntian might have sent someone to watch the army's movements, he didn't expect him to actually It will make people burn their food and grass.

"Then what should we do now? Should we ask Shangguan Yuntian Xingshi for a crime?" Xishui Chuxuan looked annoyed, and the fire ruined their plan.

The grain carts were burned, the grain and grass were gone, and the soldiers who were about to cross the warehouse secretly were burned to death.

"His Royal Highness, even if we find it, the other party can deny it at all. After all, we haven't caught anyone."

This is the most irritating point. Once the accident happened, those soldiers were like fools. They never thought of catching the murderer, and let the murderer run away.

"Then what should we do now? We just suffered from being dumb like this?" Xishui Chuxuan's face was full of unwillingness. He knew who did it, but because there was no evidence, he could only let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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