The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1662 Secretly Crossing Chencang

Chapter 1662

It is said that at the beginning, the guard was going to send soldiers to kill people.

But later, Xishui Chuxuan thought that Shangguan Yuntian's people had been watching, so he temporarily changed his mind, and gave orders to the secret operations in each city for them to carry out.

As a result, it was already the next day when the people in Yan Dian got the news.And those people's families have been replaced by soldiers from Xishui.

Although the people in Yan Dian didn't know what the other party wanted to do, they felt that things were abnormal. While sending people to watch these places, they sent a letter to Shangguan Yuntian.

Hearing this news, Shangguan Yuntian's complexion was very bad.In particular, it was unacceptable for Xishui Army to kill innocent people in order to keep the soldiers.

What does the military do?That's for defending the country.But what did Xishui's army do to kill the people, no wonder the people in the cities occupied by Xishui complained a lot.

"Master, what are you going to do, are you going to kill those soldiers?" Qin Chao looked at Shangguan Yuntian without making a sound for a long time, and couldn't help asking.

"No, keep it. I want them to steal chickens and make them lose money, and make them regret it." Shangguan Yuntian shook his head, killing them now is too cheap for them.Moreover, in this way, this Xishui Chuxuan will change his plan.Instead of doing this, it's better to stand still and make a secret pass.

This trick is not only used by Xishui's army, but also by him, right?

"This subordinate understands." Qin Chao left, but Shangguan Yuntian's mood was still not calm.The news he just received refreshed his understanding of Xishui Country again.

Such a person who does not take the lives of the common people seriously is not worthy of the support and support of the common people.After taking down those cities, he has to give full play to the power of public opinion.

Didn't Xishui not take the lives of the people seriously? He would let them know that the power of the people is also strong.

"What are you thinking about?" When Yehuang came back, he saw Shangguan Yuntian was deep in thought, and he didn't even notice her coming.

"Huang'er, are you done?" Hearing Yehuang's voice, Shangguan Yuntian came back to his senses and asked with a smile.

"I'm done." Ye Huang sat down next to Shangguan Yuntian while talking, and then asked, "What were you thinking just now, so engrossed that you didn't even know I was here?"

"It's nothing." Shangguan Yuntian shook his head, not wanting to tell Yehuang about such things.If Yehuang knew what the people from Xishui Kingdom did, she would definitely be upset, and then maybe it would cause some trouble for Xishui Chuxuan and the others.

Right now, he doesn't want to cause any trouble, so it's better not to tell Yehuang for the time being.

Shangguan Yuntian didn't say anything, Yehuang didn't ask too much, and quickly changed the topic.

"Yuntian, it's two days before we take over the city, and I don't know how the preparations are going at Xishui, should I take someone there to have a look first?"

"No need, the army of Xishui Kingdom will not evacuate until the last moment. At that time, I will just let Yunfei take over. When those cities are under our control, you can take people there Not too late."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Ye Huang had no objection to Shangguan Yuntian's words.Anyway, she has already done all the preparations that she should do, and it doesn't make any difference whether it's earlier or later.

"I still have some business to deal with, Huang'er will accompany me." Shangguan Yuntian took Ye Huang's hand, stood up and went to the main hall where he was handling business.

(End of this chapter)

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