The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1664 Secretly Crossing Chencang

Chapter 1664

Today, he has been waiting for news.

He was waiting for the news of the ten cities, when he knew that his men had succeeded.He was also worried that Shangguan Yuntian's people would find out and kill all the soldiers in the platoon.

However, from the afternoon until now, there was no news, he was a little surprised and a little worried.

Surprisingly, his own people succeeded, but Shangguan Yuntian's people didn't notice.What is worrying is that Shangguan Yuntian is planning to use his tricks.

For this reason, at night, Xishui Chuxuan couldn't fall asleep at all, and tossed and turned on the bed until dawn, before squinting for a while.

One day and one night passed, and news came from the cities that everything was normal, Xishui Chuxuan was truly relieved, and then ordered the guards of the cities to prepare to retreat.

The guards of each city received Xishui Chuxuan's order, although they were reluctant, they had to carry it out.But it was dawdling, until the last day before leaving.

On the last day of the deadline, Jokha's army divided into ten groups and headed for the city, ready to take over.At the same time, Yehuang's special team also slowly approached the cities with a group of troops.

When Xishui's army saw that Dazhao's troops taking over the city were only half of theirs, their hearts began to stir again.

They were thinking, with so few people coming to take over from Dazhao, can they not hand over the city?

Thinking of this, the defenders of Xishui became more and more dawdled.Dazhao's army had all arrived outside the city gate and was about to enter the city, but they hadn't all evacuated yet.

Regarding this, the generals and soldiers who came to take over the city were very annoyed, and immediately sent a letter to Shangguan Yuntian.

In fact, even if they didn't send the letter, Shangguan Yuntian got the news.The people in Yan Dian had already seen the plan of Xishui army, so they sent a letter to Shangguan Yuntian early in the morning.

For this reason, Shangguan Yuntian specially confessed to the people in Yan Dian that once Xishui's army is as they guessed, they will first kill those soldiers who replaced the common people and Xishui's secret operations in various cities.

As for the garrison of Xishui, the Jokhang army will naturally be there to deal with them.

Now, the two countries seem to be calm on the surface, but the inside is already turbulent.From the moment Dazhao came to aid Donghua, the two countries had already become enemies.

What's more, there was a matter of exchanging people for cities later, and Xishui hated Dazhao even more.

But now, the defenders of Xishui were unwilling to hand over the city, which happened to give him a chance, a chance to directly attack Xishui and Huanglong.

Therefore, Shangguan Yuntian sent a letter to the generals in charge of taking over the city, telling them that if the Xishui army did not leave the city at the last moment and did not give up the city at the stipulated time, then they would fight directly.

With a clear order, the soldiers of Dazhao were not in a hurry, they lit a fire and cooked outside the city, looking neither anxious nor irritable, very comfortable.

The actions of the Dazhao soldiers made the Xishui soldiers a little puzzled.They don't understand, at this time, they are not willing to give up the city, how can the soldiers of Dazhao still have the mood to cook?
After thinking about it, the other party was still worried about fraud, so he secretly sent someone to test it out.It's just that the result has not changed, Dazhao's soldiers are indeed cooking.

As a result, the soldiers of Xishui were confused.At the beginning, the firm idea of ​​not wanting to withdraw also hesitated. They felt that the behavior of Dazhao soldiers was a little abnormal, and they might be planning some kind of plan.

(End of this chapter)

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