The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1666 Defeating the Enemy Army

Chapter 1666 Defeating the Enemy Army ([-])

Besides, Xishui Chuxuan fled all the way to the direction of Xishui Bianguan.Soon they encountered the retreating army led by the general.

The general looked at the embarrassed Xishui Chuxuan, and immediately asked him what happened.

So, Xishui Chuxuan told what happened.After listening to his words, the general was speechless for a while.He really didn't know what to say about Xishui Chuxuan, and only he could think of such a thing.

Who is Shangguan Yuntian, how can it be so easy to be calculated.They have suffered losses several times before.His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has not yet learned his lesson, and is still thinking about revenge and playing tricks, which is simply self-righteous.

However, Xishui Chuxuan is a ruler after all, and he is a subject. Even if he has something to say, he can only bury it in his heart and cannot say it out.

Otherwise, once Xishui Chuxuan turned his face, his life would be over.

"Your Highness, go and change your clothes first, and then take a good rest to suppress the shock. As for the situation over there, I will send someone to inquire about it later."

Xishui Chuxuan didn't say much, he turned around and followed the person appointed by the general to wash and change his clothes.

When Xishui Chuxuan left, the general shook his head, and sent someone to inquire about the news.

At this time, Canglang and the others had almost dealt with those Xishui defenders who hadn't escaped.When it was about to finish, Shangguan Yuntian appeared with Qin Chao.

When Canglang saw Shangguan Yuntian, he immediately stepped forward to salute.

"I have seen the emperor."

"You don't need to be too polite!" Shangguan Yuntian waved his hands, looked at the corpses of the Xishui army all over the ground, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work."

"Your Majesty is serious. It is our duty to serve the country. Why talk about hard work?" Cang Lang smiled and replied.

Shangguan Yuntian also laughed and said, "You are fine!"

The smile on Canglang's face grew stronger.The praise of the king of a country is a great honor to them.

"The sun is about to come out, these corpses should be disposed of as soon as possible." Shangguan Yuntian gave an order, walked around the area again, and then left.

When Shangguan Yuntian took the people away, Canglang immediately ordered his men to clean up the battlefield and dispose of the corpses.

The soldiers piled up the corpses, and the wolf directly set the fire on fire and burned it.If the corpses of these 10 people were to be buried, it would be time-consuming and laborious. It would be better to burn them clean.

After the soldiers were burned to ashes, Canglang led the troops away.However, they did not return to their original place of residence, but approached the border of Xishui according to Shangguan Yuntian's plan.

Today they made a fool of themselves, and the opponent will definitely counterattack.The war between the two countries is imminent, and as a hidden force, they have to play the greatest role.

When Canglang and the others went to the border of Xishui, Shangguan Yuntian also led his army to the other cities of Donghua Kingdom that were occupied by Xishui.

Now, except for those few cities in Donghua Kingdom, all other places have become the territory of Dazhao.As long as those cities are taken down, the whole Donghua will belong to Dazhao.

When Xishui Chuxuan learned that Shangguan Yuntian led the army to those cities, he was so angry that he cursed.He had known for a long time that Shangguan Yuntian would not let those cities go, so he wanted to create some trouble for him, consume some of his troops, and make it impossible for him to attack those cities in a short time.

I don't want to, the success fell short again and again, not only failed to damage Dazhao's troops, but also folded a lot of Xishui's soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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