The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1668 Defeating the Enemy Army

Chapter 1668 Defeating the Enemy Army ([-])

Besides, the cavalry in Xishui hadn't rested for long, and the scouts they had sent out came back to report the situation.

"General, Dazhao's army hasn't arrived yet, the front is safe."

"Very good, it seems that we can enter the city directly." The general nodded, and then asked everyone to gather and prepare to enter the city.

The cavalry mounted their horses and ran towards the city gate.Seeing that the city gate was in sight, the cavalry relaxed their vigilance.But at this moment, those horses that were running suddenly stopped, and then lowered their heads to eat something.

"What's going on?" The general looked down at his horse, his expression changed, and he asked while looking down.

When he saw that his war horse was eating the beans that someone spilled on the road, he couldn't help muttering, "Why are there beans on this road?"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly thought of something, his face changed immediately, and he shouted: "No, there is an ambush!"

It's a pity that he found out too late, Canglang and others had already appeared.

The cavalry general saw that there was indeed an ambush, and his face was so ugly that he patted the horse under him vigorously, wanting to leave here.

After all, they don't have many people, only a mere 2000 people.Moreover, the city gate is not far away, and it will be there in a few minutes.As long as the horses under him run, escaping the ambush is not a problem at all.

However, no matter how he beat, with his hands, with the whip, or with the rein, the horse under him remained motionless.They were already attracted by the beans that had been soaked in salt water, they kept eating, and didn't want to run away at all.

After such a delay, Canglang and others surrounded the two thousand cavalry.

The cavalry sitting on the horse looked at the enemy who suddenly appeared, and turned around anxiously.Hastily drew out his weapon and started a fight with Canglang and others.

The people brought out by Canglang and the others are all good at martial arts, and they are not expensive.Therefore, relying on their martial arts, they did not lose the wind in the face of those Xishui soldiers on horseback.

Although they don't have horses, they have light skills, so even if the other party is riding a horse, it doesn't matter at all if they look aloof.

It didn't take long for the Xishui soldiers on horseback to be knocked down by Canglang and the others.

He couldn't beat Canglang and the others on horseback, let alone on the ground now.Except for a dead end, they have no next day to go.

More than 2000 people were quickly dealt with by Canglang and others, and not even a single reporter was left behind.

After killing the cavalry, the remaining horses were easily taken away by Canglang and others.When the defenders in the city found the traces of Canglang and others and wanted to chase them out, the army led by Shangguan Yuntian arrived again.

For this reason, the defenders had no choice but to retreat to the city and confronted Dazhao's army.

Shangguan Yuntian led a lot of people, more than twice as many as the Xishui defenders.Therefore, after the soldiers approached the city, Shangguan Yuntian just let the army rest for a while, and then began to attack the city.

At this time, Xishui's reinforcements were still on the way.When the general and Xishui Chuxuan learned that Shangguan Yuntian had already begun to attack the city, they immediately ordered to speed up the march.

Unfortunately, when they arrived, the city had already been captured by Shangguan Yuntian.As for the defenders of Xishui, they were all killed.

Looking at the military flag fluttering in the wind on the gate of the city, seeing the two big characters Dazhao on the flag, the eyes of the general and Xishui Chuxuan turned red.They can't wait to rush up and take down the military flag, they can't wait to go forward and snatch the city back immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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