The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1675 Donghua Belonging

Chapter 1675 Donghua Belonging ([-])

After breakfast, the two went to the Yamen together to handle government affairs.Seeing Shangguan Yuntian coming, the officials were a little surprised, but no one said anything, and reported the matter honestly.

After dealing with the matter in the morning, Shangguan Yuntian purposely left Sima Feng behind, intending to talk to him about the affairs of Donghua Kingdom.

The two talked for about an hour, and they didn't stop until they were having lunch.Shangguan Yuntian kept Sima Feng and had lunch together.

After lunch, Yehuang asked Shangguan Yuntian, "Have you talked with him?"

"It's over."

"He agreed."

"Of course!" Shangguan Yuntian laughed.For Sima Feng, being able to stay in Donghua Kingdom is something he could only wish for.

If he went to Dazhao, it would be a little uncomfortable for him.After all, he still has Yehuang in his heart, even if he hides it deeply, but if he can see each other often, even the deepest feelings will be revealed.

And he didn't want Ye Huang to know his feelings for her at all.On the contrary, as it is now, it is better to be far away, and not completely cut off contact.

"Since this is the case, can I be lazy tomorrow? Anyway, the matter will be handed over to Sima Feng sooner or later. What do you think?"These days, she is busy dealing with political affairs every day, and she is indeed quite tired.

Now, she is going back to Dazhao soon, and she also wants to take a good look around Donghua's imperial city and buy some gifts for her return.

There is also the ghost gate, she has to go and have a look.Recently, because of her busy schedule, she hasn't been to the ghost gate for a long time.Yefeng and Yeyue are both here now, so we need to get together with them or something.

Otherwise, when she returns to Dazhao, she doesn't know when she wants to get together again.

"Okay, now that I'm here, you can rest assured and be lazy."

"Okay, that's what you said, then I won't come this afternoon."

"Of course I said it. How can you be false if you're a husband?" Shangguan Yuntian smiled, and he wanted Yehuang to have a good rest a long time ago.

In the past, there was no other way but to make Ye Huang work harder.Now that he is back, how can he make his wife so tired?

"Yuntian, thank you! You are so kind!" Yehuang smiled, then kissed Shangguan Yuntian, and ran out with a smile.

Seeing Yehuang's disappearing figure, Shangguan Yuntian touched the place on his face where he had been kissed, shook his head and laughed, and reminded: "Huang'er, if you want to go out, remember to bring a few more people with you."

"Understood!" Yehuang's voice came back from afar.

After Yehuang ran like this, she ran out of the palace directly, and went to visit the imperial city with Dong, Xia and Tianquan.This visit was a little different from the last one.Last time, she and Shangguan Yuntian visited the imperial city to pass the time, or it was a date between the two of them.

But this time it was different, her main thoughts were spent on choosing gifts.There are so many people in the family, so I have to buy a lot of gifts.

Yehuang was shopping while choosing gifts.She bought the most gifts for Tuanyuanyuan. After all, she had been away for so long, and Ye Huang felt guilty for not being able to accompany them to grow up.Therefore, she wanted to buy more gifts to make up for the guilt.

Tianquan also bought some small gifts for the two babies, which were not very expensive, but it was his heart.Although they haven't met yet, he already regards them as the most important people in his life.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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