The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 169 Brother Trapped

Chapter 169 Brother Trapped ([-])

Seeing that the army's morale was shaken, Ye Su became angry and shouted, "You're looking for death!"

While shouting, Ye Su snatched the archer's bow and arrow, and shot towards the scolding people below.

Once an arrow is shot, how can it not hurt people.

Soon, the person who yelled the most was shot by Ye Su and fell off his horse.

The Beimo people saw it, and it was on fire.While picking up the bow and arrow and shooting towards the city wall, he cursed again.

"Why, we hit the spot, so I became so angry that I wanted to kill someone to silence him."

"That's right, if you have the ability, go out of the city and fight with us."

"Especially that General Ye, isn't he very good at fighting? He came out to fight us two days ago, why did he become a coward today?"

"He's a fake, how dare he go to battle. He's not afraid of being exposed as soon as he goes to battle. If he is killed by us, this remote city will be over."

One sound, one sentence of provocative words, once again let the guards on the city's eyes fall on the fake Ye Feng.

The person pretending to be Ye Feng is a member of the Snow Leopard Team, codenamed Xue Twelve, who is good at disguise, but his martial arts are not very good.

If he really went down, he would have to die under Bei Mo's iron cavalry if he couldn't last a few more times.

So, even though his face was ugly, he didn't dare to open his mouth to challenge.

However, even though he couldn't fight, he didn't want the Beimo people to affect the morale of the army again, so he stood in front of the city wall, looked coldly at the people below and said, "This general is not dead, are you afraid? That's why you say that this general is fake." That’s right. That’s right, the general was indeed injured in the previous battle, but that little injury couldn’t kill the general.”

"You guys are disappointed. The arrow didn't kill the general. Let me tell you, if the general was so easy to die, this remote city would have already been your Beimo territory. So, you don't need to be here. We will not fall for your foolish words to confuse people."

"Yes, we won't be fooled by you." After Xue Twelve finished speaking, the guards in the city joined in loudly.

At this time, Ye Su took a deep look at Xue Twelve, exchanged glances with the lieutenant general, and then said to the Beimo people below: "The general is injured, let me, a junior, fight on his behalf."

After speaking, Ye Su went down the city wall to prepare.

After a while, the gate of the city opened wide, and he led thousands of people across the suspension bridge to the outside of the city, confronting the Beimo people.

"Who is coming, tell me your name." Beimo's general came out on horseback, glanced at Ye Su and asked in a cold voice.

"Ye Su!" Ye Suce immediately stepped forward and said two words coldly.

"Xiao Qing!"

The general of Beimo is none other than Xiao Qing, the left vanguard.He didn't believe that Ye Feng was still alive, so he asked the soldiers to test him with curses.

But after some testing, he was not sure.

Although his arrow technique is unparalleled in the world, it cannot be guaranteed to be foolproof.So, at this time, he was very depressed, but when he heard Ye Su's self-introduction of his family, he laughed and said, "So it's a major general, but I'm disrespectful."

Ye Su couldn't bear to entangle with Xiao Qing's words, pointed at the spear in his hand, and said: "Stop talking nonsense, hit if you want."

"I didn't expect the Major General to be impatient. Since that's the case, then Xiao would be more respectful than obedient. Here I come to ask the Major General for advice."

After Xiao Qing finished speaking, he patted his hand on the horse's back lightly, leaped forward, and flew up with his whole body, holding a big knife and rushing towards Ye Su.

(End of this chapter)

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