The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1694 Preemptive strike

Chapter 1694 Preemptive strike ([-])

"Please give orders, Your Highness." The two subordinates asked respectfully.

"This palace wants you to find some poisons, and then find a way to put them into the drinking water of the Jokha army." Xishui Chuxuan said lightly, but the two men were stunned, and said: "Your Highness, let us To find poison, and then go down to the drinking water of the Jokhang army?"

"Why, is there a problem?" Xishui Chuxuan asked them with a cold look.

"No!" The two shook their heads.It's not that they are unwilling to carry out Xishui Chuxuan's order, but that it's a little too despicable to use this method, and it's very immoral for the two armies to fight.

"Since there is no problem, what are you guys still doing in a daze, don't hurry up to implement it." Xishui Chuxuan doesn't care so much, in order to achieve his goal, he has always used unscrupulous means.

"Yes, this subordinate obeys." Although the two were unwilling, Xishui Chuxuan was their master.The master has an order, how can they not obey?
The two bid farewell to Xishui Chuxuan and went to perform their mission.As for Xishui Chuxuan, he entered the city alone.

However, before he reached the city, he was caught by two men in black who suddenly jumped out.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Xishui Chuxuan looked at the man in black who was catching him in horror, and asked.

However, the two men in black didn't say a word, just knocked Xishui Chuxuan unconscious with a knife in one hand, and then carried him away.

When Xishui Chuxuan woke up again, he found that his two subordinates were also there. He couldn't help being surprised and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Your Highness, we were arrested just after we separated from you." The two men had bitter faces, happy that they didn't have to carry out Xishui Chuxuan's orders, but also worried about being arrested.

"What?" Xishui Chuxuan's face changed, thinking that he was also captured by someone, he couldn't help feeling scared.

He didn't know where this was, and he didn't know what the other party was going to do, so he felt uneasy, afraid, and apprehensive.

He didn't know if the other party knew him, if he had any malice towards him, and if he would kill him.And he didn't want to die at all.

Even if he is not the prince now, it is better to live than to die. He doesn't want to die so easily.

So, he walked to the door and shouted loudly: "Is anyone there? Come, come."

Xishui Chuxuan yelled several times in a row before someone came over and shouted displeasedly, "What are you shouting for?"

"Who are you, let us out quickly." Xishui Chuxuan stared at the man in black and said displeasedly.

"His Royal Highness, it doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you can only stay here and you can't go anywhere."

"What did you say? What do you want to do?" Xishui Chuxuan's expression changed, and he looked at the other party in horror.

Hearing what the other party meant, he planned to keep them locked up forever.

"His Royal Highness, first ask yourself what you want to do."

"What do you mean?"

"Will His Royal Highness not understand what you mean?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I don't know? Wangjia Village in the morning." The man reminded him lightly, and Xishui Chuxuan's face changed again.

In Wangjia Village in the morning, he only ordered one thing to his two subordinates, and that was...

However, there were only three people present at the time, how did they know?
Xishui Chuxuan was puzzled, but the man in black didn't intend to explain, but said directly: "In order to prevent your treacherous plan from succeeding, we have no choice but to strike first."

 Thank you Spring Chaoyang for your reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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