The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1701 Peasant Uprising

Chapter 1701 Peasant Uprising ([-])

For this reason, he was happy to see Xishui Chuxuan locked up.Who made Xishui Chuxuan look like a mad dog, now targeting Dazhao's army exclusively.

It is said that you are not afraid of thieves stealing, but you are afraid of thieves thinking about it.Even if they had someone monitoring Xishui Chuxuan all the time, they were afraid that if they kept a secret, he would take advantage of it.

So it's good to do this now, just lock up Xishui Chuxuan, so that he can't do bad things even if he wants to, and there are people torturing him, so that he can't escape even if he wants to.

After Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang finished talking about Xishui Chuxuan, they talked about the current situation of Xishui.Now the situation in Xishui is getting more and more serious.

Of course, for Dazhao, it was a good thing.

Because the worse the situation in Xishui, the better it is for Dazhao.In this way, they can take Xishui faster.

At this time, Xishui, a small village on the upper reaches of the Changting River, was bombed.

Because there is really no food to eat, even if you use money to buy it outside, you can't buy food.

A few hungry farmers went to grab land from the big families in the village and killed several people.For this reason, the government went to arrest people, but they didn't want the peasants to tie up the people sent by the government directly, and asked the government to redeem them with food.

In this way, the government will be furious.Officials feel that these country bumpkins are simply bold and reckless, and they have gone against the sky.How dare you tie up someone from the government, that's simply boring.

So, the people in the government didn't talk about giving food, they didn't take anything, they directly surrounded the whole village with officers and soldiers, and then arrested the women and children in the village, preparing to replace them with people.

This made the peasants very angry. They put the knife on the hostage's neck and asked the government to release them.But the people in the government asked the peasants to release them first.

The two parties were arguing, and in the end the government officials were more cunning and brought the families of the farmers directly.He threatened them that if they did not let them go, they would kill their family members.

For the safety of their families, several farmers had to release the government officials first.

But I didn't want to, the people from the government turned their backs on what they said, and after the peasants let them go, they were arrested and convicted.

The few peasants who caused trouble were charged with crimes and were soon beheaded.From then on, the government planted the seeds of hatred in the hearts of the farmers.

As time passed day by day, when there was less and less food to eat, the farmers couldn't bear it anymore.Under the leadership of a farmer named Liu Changsheng, a peasant uprising broke out in the Changting River area.

Those farmers who had no fields and homes, entered the Yamen with big knives, spears and hoes, killed all the officials, and then distributed the food to the people.

Because of their righteous deeds, they quickly won the support of the people.So more and more people joined Liu Changsheng's team, marching from the countryside to the town.

When the peasant uprising broke out in Xishui, Dazhao's army was not idle, they were attacking other cities in Xishui.

At this time, the air pressure in Xishui's palace was extremely heavy.Sitting on the dragon chair, Emperor Xishui looked at the ministers below with a gloomy expression on his face.

Dazhao's army was already very difficult to deal with, and now a peasant uprising broke out again.Now Xishui is suffering from internal and external troubles. Dazhao's army has not yet retreated.Now there is even a peasant uprising, which makes Xishuihuang very anxious and annoyed.

The ministers were also anxious, but there was no good solution for a while.It's okay to say that the peasant uprising can be suppressed by sending troops.But what will the Jokhang army do?
(End of this chapter)

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