The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 171 A tit for tat

Chapter 171 An Eye For An Eye ([-])

Blame him for being careless, he fell into the enemy's tricks, and now it's too late to say anything.

"Young General Ye, you'd better just arrest him without a fight." Xiao Qing smiled, and waved his hand to signal the people around to come forward and arrest Ye Su.

With a cold face, Ye Su held the spear, and gave Xiao Qing a cold look, "Master, I will not be a prisoner even if I die!"

As soon as the sound fell, he took the lead in rushing towards the Northern Desert soldiers.

At this time, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian were also fighting on a small flat land not far from Yaocheng.

With a fire in her heart, Ye Huang attacked Shangguan Yuntian viciously without any mercy.

The last fight made Ye Huang feel refreshed for a long time.So this time, she let go of her hands and feet, planning to fight Shangguan Yuntian.

The two of you come and go, you advance and you retreat, one move is in the sky, and the other is underground, erratic, in the shadow of swords, lights and swords, it is impossible to tell who is who.

In the blink of an eye, the two had dismantled hundreds of moves, and just as they were enjoying themselves, an afterimage hurriedly came and landed beside the two of them, and said loudly: "Boss, General Ye has fallen into the enemy's tricks!" , trapped in the woods north of the city."

Hearing this, Ye Huang froze in her moves, and turned to look at the messenger.

The one who came was none other than Xue Yi from the Snow Leopard team.

Recognizing the person, Yehuang left Shangguan Yuntian and walked towards Xueyi.

Shangguan Yuntian also heard Xueyi's words clearly, and then came to his side.

"What's going on?" Ye Huang looked at Xue Yi and asked in a cold voice.How could a good Ye Su be trapped by the enemy's tricks?

"Boss, to be honest, it's more important to save General Ye first, otherwise, if it's too late, General Ye might be captured by Bei Mo's people."

"The situation is so serious? How many soldiers did he bring?" Ye Huang's expression became ugly when he heard this.

Now Ye Feng's injuries are serious, and he can't lead troops at all.In case Ye Su was captured again, Yao City would no longer have to be guarded.These two blows alone can make all the defenders feel uneasy.

"Young General Ye didn't take anyone with him. He chased Xiao Qing from Beimo alone, and then fell into a trap."

"What, is Ye Su an idiot?" Ye Huang was furious, this Ye Su must be stupid, how could he go after the enemy alone.

What's the difference between that and going to die?
What an asshole!
Ye Huang scolded Ye Su in her heart, but her feet kept moving, and she followed Xue Yi towards the small woods in the north of the city.

The critical moment was ignored again, Shangguan Yuntian was speechless.Every time at this time, Yehuang never sees him, so depressed.

It seems that his road of chasing his wife is really a heavy responsibility and a long way to go.

Shangguan Yuntian sighed, and followed Yehuang away.At this time, he would never allow Yehuang to take risks alone.

Yehuang's qinggong was very good, she left Xueyi behind in a few strokes, and went straight to the woods in the north of the city alone.

When Shangguan Yuntian saw that Yehuang had thrown off Xueyi, he also accelerated his speed and followed closely.

At this time, in the woods in the north of the city, Ye Su was sitting on horseback wielding a spear, entangled with the soldiers of Beimo.

He is good at martial arts, but he can't beat four fighters with one punch, not to mention that the enemy has not only four fighters, but hundreds of fighters.Therefore, within a short time, he was thrown off the horse by the enemy, and he was fighting the enemy at close range.

Ye Su used a long spear, so it would be more advantageous to attack from a long distance.But now it landed on the ground and was surrounded by enemies, so it couldn't play the role of the spear at all.

Therefore, after a few efforts, he was covered with color.

(End of this chapter)

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