The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 175 A tit for tat

Chapter 175 An Eye For An Eye ([-])

Ye Huang's words fell into Xiao Qing's ears, making him very angry.I have only heard that people are not allowed to live, but now this man is not letting him die, it is simply unreasonable.

So, he glared at Yehuang, and said coldly: "You are not ashamed, this general is going to die, can you stop it?"

"You can try it?" Yehuang said lightly, the confident tone made Xiao Qing even more annoyed, and shouted: "Just try, who is afraid of whom?"

Xiao Qing was short of breath, he put the bow and arrow on the horse's back with his backhand, flew up and rushed towards Ye Huang.

A child with a yellow mouth dared to utter wild words, he simply didn't know what to say.

At this time, Xiao Qing had completely forgotten the pressure that Ye Huang had put on him before, and his original intention, and only wanted to express the anger in his heart.

Xiao Qing is also a famous person, but he didn't want to be overwhelmed by Yehuang's words, Shangguan Yuntian couldn't help shaking his head, and said to Yehuang: "Little Huang'er, you can go and rest, these people are going Give it to me."

Yehuang took a deep look at Shangguan Yuntian and asked, "Are you sure?"


"Alright then. Remember, I want to live." After Yehuang finished speaking, she stepped aside and let Shangguan Yuntian play.

Yehuang couldn't wish for someone to do this kind of work for him.

Yehuang stood aside, quietly watching Shangguan Yuntian show off his power with deep eyes.As for Shangguan Yuntian's skills, she already knew it clearly.

But at this time, Shangguan Yuntian was very different from the one she knew before, with the evil spirit all over his body, like Shura killing a god.

No wonder the enemy would be terrified of him, even someone like her who has dealt with extremely vicious people all the year round and is used to seeing dead people is a little afraid, let alone others?
As soon as Shangguan Yuntian made a move, the whole world was enveloped by his pressure and evil spirit, some of them were timid and couldn't even breathe.

Therefore, he almost didn't need to do anything directly. Just the evil spirit in his body scared the soldiers of Beimo to the point of frightening them. Many soldiers couldn't even hold their weapons.

As for Xiao Qing, who was originally a man of infinite strength, of course he would not be unable to hold a weapon.But at this moment, those weapons that were easy to hold in his hands seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and it was even more difficult to use moves.

Shangguan Yuntian didn't want to waste time, so he lifted his foot and kicked Xiao Qing to the ground.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian finish off the enemy with one move, Ye Huang was speechless, and his mouth twitched violently a few times.

Of course, if it was Yehuang, the speed would only be faster. She didn't even need to move, as long as she used her internal force to shoot out the leaves on the half of the branch, she could kill people.

"Come here, tie up these soldiers."

Even Xiao Qing lost his fighting power, let alone those soldiers.

As Yehuang's voice fell, several figures flashed out from the dark, but they were members of the Fire Phoenix team.Since Yehuang arrived in Yaocheng, they were responsible for protecting her safety.

The members of the Huofeng team tied the Beimo soldiers together, ran away, and then headed towards Yaocheng.

As for Xiao Qing, in order to prevent him from escaping, Ye Huang not only sealed his acupoints, but also fed him some painful good things.

Originally, Ye Huang wanted to kill him, but because of Xiao Qing's use together, he held back.It's just that capital crimes can be avoided, and living crimes cannot be escaped, so he has to suffer a little bit, otherwise how can he be worthy of Ye Feng's arrow and Shang Yesu's body injuries.


The strangeness of his body made Xiao Qing change his expression, and he glared at Yehuang angrily, as if he wanted to eat people.

(End of this chapter)

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