The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1803 Extra Story: The Arrival of the Empress

Chapter 1803 Extra Story: The Arrival of the Empress ([-])
Of course, he didn't want Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan to know about this little thought, so he said solemnly: "Tuan Tuan, Yuan Yuan, your mother has come all the way and is very tired, what should you do?"

When the two heard this, they immediately apologized and said to Yehuang: "Mother, mother, I'm sorry, we delayed your rest."

"It's all your fault!" Ye Huang looked at Shangguan Yuntian resentfully, with her arms empty, with a slightly annoyed expression on her face.After finally seeing her son and daughter, she wanted to hug her for a while longer.

Besides, the two treasures are still so young, so I don't want to hug them too much at this time, and when they get older, I won't let them.Didn't you see that Tuantuan didn't want her to hug her before?

There was a smile on Shangguan Yuntian's face, he looked at Yehuang distressedly, and said: "You go to rest first, I will accompany them for a while."

Coming all the way, Yehuang was worried that the two children didn't have much rest.Now, since he arrived at the place and saw that the two children were safe, he didn't want Yehuang to hold on any longer, she had to go to rest.

"I don't want to rest yet." Yehuang glanced at Shangguan Yuntian, unwilling to leave.She was really tired and sleepy before, but now seeing the two treasures, her sleepiness and tiredness have already flown to the sky.

"Huang'er!" Shangguan Yuntian yelled lightly, which made Yehuang's face stiffen, and she suddenly remembered what she had said when she was on the road.

At that time, she couldn't sleep, she just wanted to hurry, and then told Shangguan Yuntian that when she saw the two treasures, she would go to rest as soon as possible.

Now, she has seen the two treasures, so...

"Okay, I'll go to rest now." Yehuang stood up with some guilt, then glanced at the two treasures, and said, "Tuantuan and Yuanyuan will go to rest together, okay?"

"Okay, okay!" Yuanyuan immediately became happy when she heard that, and she was excited to follow Yehuang.She hasn't slept with Ye Huang for a long time, and she misses the feeling of being held in her mother's arms to sleep.

Tuantuan hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Shangguan Yuntian.

Shangguan Yuntian looked at them like this, but he didn't object.Although he didn't like the two treasures sticking to Yehuang all the time, but now they haven't been together for a long time, so it's okay to accommodate.

So, he looked eagerly at his two treasures, then at the expectant Yehuang, finally nodded and said, "I'll go with you."

Hearing this, both Tuantuan and Yuanyuan showed smiles on their faces, and Yehuang was also very happy, she stepped forward and took Shangguan Yuntian's hand and said, "Yuntian, that's great!"

So, the husband and wife each took a child and went back to their room to rest.

Back in the room, Shangguan Yuntian played with the children first, while Yehuang went to take a bath.

After taking a bath, Ye Huang changed into her rest clothes, then hugged Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan to the bed, lay with her arms around them, and waited for Shangguan Yuntian.

However, she fell asleep before Shangguan Yuntian finished washing.Tuantuan and Yuanyuan watched and didn't bother her any more, they obediently lay down beside her, and then fell asleep.

When Shangguan Yuntian came out of the shower, he saw one big and two young, the three of them fell asleep with their heads close together.

Seeing this scene, he slowly curled up the corners of his lips, then went to bed lightly, lay beside the three of them, and then closed his eyes.

When the family of four woke up, it was already mid-afternoon.After waking up after a nap, Yehuang's spirit recovered well.

 The second watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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