The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 181 Taking the enemy's head with an arrow

Chapter 181 Taking the enemy's head with an arrow ([-])

"Your subordinate will do it now!" Qin Chao said, turned around and was about to leave.At this time, Shangguan Yuntian thought of another piece of news, so he said: "Qin Chao, let the people in the Yan Palace find out who is the person who secretly escorted the food and grass."

There were two pieces of news from Yan Dian just now. One was that Su Jinian deliberately delayed the speed of the march.The second is that someone robbed food and grass on the way, but was wiped out by a group of men in black.

Food and grass are the key to victory or defeat in a war, and the people who robbed food and grass are likely to be people from the northern desert.But it wasn't his person who was secretly protecting the food and grass, so who could it be?
Who cares about these grains so much?

As Shangguan Yuntian thought about it, a figure popped out of his mind unexpectedly.

Will it be her?

Shangguan Yuntian said to himself, he had doubts in his heart, but he was not sure, so he had to give up.Thinking about it, if you have a chance, you have to ask her in person.

Qin Chao left, and Shangguan Yuntian sat in the study and began to deal with the things accumulated the day before.

In order to go to Yehuang's small courtyard to eat with her earlier, Shangguan Yuntian speeded up the processing.After two hours, I finally finished all the official duties on the table, and then got up to leave.

"Lin Cheng, the official documents on the table can be sent back."

After leaving the study, Shangguan Yuntian explained to Lin Cheng who was guarding the door, and then directly used his lightness kung fu to leave, heading towards Yehuang's small courtyard.

In the small courtyard, Yehuang had rested and was assigning tasks for the night to Xue and the others in the courtyard.

When Shangguan Yuntian came, he happened to see the four lines standing neatly in the courtyard, and the Yehuang standing in front who was talking.

At this time, Yehuang exuded an intoxicating charm.Standing in front of the team, she was petite, but gave off a powerful and invincible feeling.

When she spoke, her voice was clear, concise and powerful, making it very comfortable to listen to.

Standing under the courtyard wall, Shangguan Yuntian listened to Yehuang's orderly assignment of tasks, and watched her seriously explain the precautions, with a deep smile on her face.

The person he likes is really extraordinary, he pretends to be weak, fights hooligans, heals the sick, and trains the army.

Yehuang had discovered Shangguan Yuntian long ago, but he didn't care. Anyway, he was going to attend at night, so it didn't matter if he listened or not.

By the time Yehuang finished his lecture, it was already dinner time.

After she yelled to disband, the team members lined up and went to the dining hall.

It was not until the team members had finished walking that Shangguan Yuntian walked towards Yehuang.

Yehuang stood there without moving, until Shangguan Yuntian walked up to her, then raised her eyes to look at him, and asked lightly: "Let's eat together?"

"Okay!" Shangguan Yuntian was here for dinner, so he was very happy to hear Yehuang take the initiative to invite him.

Yehuang didn't seem to see the smile on Shangguan Yuntian's face, she turned around silently and headed for the eating place.

The two teams had a total of 40 people, and there were many people eating, Yehuang did not join them, but asked someone to set up another table in the flower hall, just her and Shangguan Yuntian.

Originally, Mu Fei wanted to have dinner with Ye Huang, but when he walked to the flower hall and saw Shangguan Yuntian was sitting, he had to turn around and go to the place where the team members ate.

Fortunately, Mu Fei and the team members are familiar with each other, and it is very lively when everyone sits together.

After eating, everyone rested for a while, then left the small courtyard while taking advantage of the color, quietly left the city, and went straight to the Beimo Army's camp.

The situation of Beimo's resident, Yehuang has already been inquired clearly, in a small hill thirty miles outside Yaocheng.

(End of this chapter)

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