The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1810 Extra Story: Selling Your Body to Bury Your Father

Chapter 1810 Extra Story: Selling Your Body to Bury Your Father ([-])
Before the group of people approached, the adults who had been watching the excitement all backed away, as if some scourge came.

Tuantuan and Yuanyuan were a little puzzled, and when they wanted to ask an adult to ask, they heard an extremely arrogant voice: "Come here, take her away to the Lord, and the Lord bought it."

With the sound of the voice, a young man appeared with a group of people.

"Let's go, let's go, Mr. Qian is here." Looking at the people watching the excitement, they ran faster when they heard the sound.

In a blink of an eye, they disappeared or retreated far away.

Only then did Tuantuan and the others see the little girl kneeling clearly.I saw that the girl was only seven or eight years old, and there was a person lying beside her.I don't know if it was just when everyone was scared away, there was a gust of wind, and the white cloth that originally covered the man's body was gone.

As for that man, his eyes were closed tightly, his face was yellow and thin, and he looked as if he had starved to death.

At this time, Mr. Qian's subordinates stepped forward to pull the little girl up.Seeing the person who suddenly appeared in front of her and wanted to pull her back, the little girl was startled, and then burst into tears.

Although she is young, she has been wandering around with her father for many years, and she has seen too many human relationships, so how could she not know that the person in front of her is not a good person.

But she is a little girl, even if she knows that the other party is not a good person, what can she do?Those adults all stayed away, let alone help her.

So, she didn't know what to do except cry.

Hearing the little girl's cry, Tuan Tuan saw those people trying to force the little girl, his face darkened, and he shouted: "Stop!"

"Hey, where did this little brat come from, who dares to meddle in my master's business. Do you know who my master is?"

"Master, whose master are you?" Tuantuan's voice became cold, but the little man was full of aura.

"Little boy, I advise you to go home, wash and sleep. This young master's business is beyond your control. Didn't you see them? They were scared away when they heard my name .”

"What kind of young master are you? You can't move this girl." Tuantuan said to Young Master Qian with a cold face, looking at the little girl who had stopped crying.

"Oh, brat, you really want to meddle in this young master's business. It seems that you don't know the background of this young master. Let me tell you, my surname is Qian, and I am Qian Wanwan's son. In Nanjun, there are only things that I, Qian, don't want to do, but there is nothing that I, Qian, can't do."

"Boy, you don't know yet. My sister is the wife of the sheriff. If you dare to meddle in my business, be careful and I will ask my brother-in-law to put you in jail."

"It seems that you are the county guard's brother-in-law." Tuantuan said calmly, he never thought that such a thing would happen to him as soon as he arrived.

This young master Qian turned out to be the county guard's brother-in-law, and it seemed that he was still a tyrant in South County, a figure who overshadowed the sky with one hand.Not to mention anything else, just look at the people in Nanjun who are so afraid of him.

"That's right, you know you're afraid now." Young Master Qian became proud, looked at Tuantuan and said, "So, I advise you to leave this nosy business alone."

"What if I have to take care of it?"

"Then you just wait to go to jail." Young Master Qian took it for granted, as if everything was up to him.

"Really? Then I really want to see how you put me in prison." After finishing speaking, Tuantuan ordered the guards who followed him: "Give the little girl some money and let her take my father's money away." buried."

 The second watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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