The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1823 Fanwai: Xueluo 9 Songs

Chapter 1823 Fanwai: Xueluo Nine Songs ([-])
After the sound fell, Beichen Jiuge's subordinates stepped in, looked at Beichen Jiuge and said, "Young Master, what are your orders?"

"Take that woman down and lock her up." Beichen Jiuge pointed at Wang Xueluo coldly and ordered.

"Yes!" The subordinate replied, and then walked towards Wang Xueluo.

"You, don't come here!" Hearing the conversation between Beichen Jiuge and his subordinates, and seeing his subordinates walking towards him, Wang Xueluo got up quickly, ready to run away.

When she got up like this, her arms and legs were immediately exposed, which made Beichen Jiuge's subordinates stunned for a moment, as if frozen, and could no longer move.

This this……

Wang Xueluo watched Beichen Jiuge's men stop, immediately seized the opportunity, turned around and ran away.

Seeing that Wang Xueluo was about to run, Beichen Jiuge raised a jet of water again and attacked her.

The water jet hit her body, Wang Xueluo wanted to dodge, but she couldn't dodge, and was hit straight.This time, Beichen Jiuge didn't show mercy at all, the force of the water jet hit Wang Xueluo's body completely, causing her to grit her teeth in pain.

Turning his head, he looked at Beichen Jiuge with resentment, and said, "I don't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade at all, and I have lost my good skin for nothing."

"Take it away!" Beichen ordered in a cold voice.

The subordinate finally came to his senses and stepped forward to take Wang Xueluo away.But his eyes did not dare to look at Wang Xueluo.Her dress was really, really indecent, so he didn't dare to look at it.

Wang Xueluo was quickly imprisoned in the firewood room, and was told not to respond every day, and the earth was not working well.Coupled with the fact that she was all wet, it made her extremely uncomfortable.

She walked to the door of the firewood room, shaking the door of the firewood room, and shouted loudly: "Is anyone there? Is there anyone outside?"

However, after shouting, there was no voice for a long time, which made Wang Xueluo frustrated.At first, she still had the strength to shout, but after a long time, no one paid attention to her, she didn't even want to shout, and then sat down on the ground, thinking about her situation.

Obviously, she went to explore the deep mountains with her friends, found a cave, and walked in with curiosity.

When I went in, a friend also said that I don’t know if they will encounter the situation written in the novel and suddenly fall into another time and space.

What did she say at the time? She laughed at that friend, saying that she had read too many novels and was so stupid that she believed such things.

But now, she ran to a strange place. This is really a slap in the face.Moreover, the place she came from seems to be ancient China.

Because both the man in the water and the man who imprisoned her in the firewood house had long hair, and the man who imprisoned her was still wearing an ancient gown.

Moreover, along the way before, the house looked antique.

There are various indications that she really came to ancient times.

How unlucky she is, how could she fall into such a place?Although the air was good and pollution-free in ancient times, there were no mobile phones, computers, cars, trains, or airplanes. How would she live?

Of course, this is not the most important thing, the important thing is that she is not familiar with the place of life.It's not easy to meet a good-looking handsome guy, but the other party is not easy to get along with.

To lock her a delicate woman into the firewood room, she is not a good person at first sight.

Therefore, Wang Xueluo was very worried about her future life.Although she is not a lady who opens her mouth for food and stretches out her hands for clothes, as a modern person, as long as she has money, she can't buy anything.

 Thanks to Mahesvara and can you change my name for the tip, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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