The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 183 Taking the enemy's head with an arrow

Chapter 183 Taking the enemy's head with an arrow ([-])

While fighting the enemy, Yehuang consciously approached the enemy's handsome tent.According to intelligence, Bei Mo's commander in chief this time is Nanwang Tuobayong.

As long as Tuoba Yong is caught, everything will be easy to handle.

Of course, Ye Huang also knew that as the coach, there would definitely be many people guarding Tuoba Yong, and it would not be easy to catch him.

But she didn't mind creating this kind of chaos, so it should be easier for Snow Leopard and Fire Phoenix team members to get out of trouble.

At first Shangguan Yuntian thought that Yehuang was acting impulsively, but when he saw her intentionally approaching the handsome tent, he immediately understood her plan.

Little by little, he approached Yehuang's side and fought side by side with her.

The two teamed up, Bei Mo Bing was no match, and was quickly beaten to pieces.In this way, it attracted the attention of most people.

Seeing that most of the soldiers in Beimo were attracted by him, Yehuang took out a signal from his body and threw it out.

Seeing Ye Huang's signal, Xue and Huo immediately took out something from their bodies and threw it on the ground, then shouted at the brothers: "Get out!"

After the sound fell, the two men and their brothers took advantage of the cover of the smoke bomb just thrown, retreated while fighting, and withdrew from the encirclement of the Beimo soldiers as quickly as possible, and headed towards the meeting point agreed in advance .

"Chasing!" Seeing that Xue and the others were about to retreat, and they were not willing to let them go, the Beimo soldiers immediately pursued them.However, after they chased for a while, they realized that there was no one in front of them.As a last resort, Beimo soldiers had no choice but to return to their camp.

At the meeting place, Mu Fei was waiting for everyone.

When he saw that only the two teams of Snow Leopard and Fire Phoenix came back but did not see Yehuang, he asked worriedly, "Where are the boss and King Yun?"

"Boss and King Yun are in the rear." Xue and Huo explained, and then found a high place, looking at the Beimo garrison in the distance.

At Beimo Station, when Xue Hehuo led the brothers to evacuate, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian had already approached Tuobayong's tent.

As long as the two entered the commander's tent, they would be able to catch the enemy's leader, but at this moment, a rain of arrows hit them, and the two had to stop moving forward, resisting the wave after wave of arrows rain.

In addition, due to the withdrawal of the two teams, the North Desert soldiers all moved closer to the commander's tent, and the number of people besieging the two suddenly increased.

Fortunately, the two have high martial arts skills, otherwise the rain of arrows alone would be enough for them to drink a pot.

Seeing that it was impossible to catch Tuoba Yong, and the situation was very bad, Ye Huang exchanged glances with Shangguan Yuntian, and said in a low voice, "Withdraw!"

"Okay, you go first, I'll cover!" Shangguan Yuntian took a deep look at Yehuang and said.

"No, we have to walk together, we have to stay together." Yehuang shook her head and refused, she would not let Shangguan Yuntian take risks for her.

"Okay, then let's retreat together!" Yehuang insisted, Shangguan Yuntian had no choice but to compromise and prepare to retreat together.

"Let's go!" Yehuang yelled, holding Shangguan Yuntian's hand and flying up, ready to leave together.

However, at this moment, Yehuang in mid-air suddenly felt an internal force coming from Shangguan Yuntian's hand, causing her body to jump high in an instant.

Yehuang was puzzled, and when she lowered her head to ask Shangguan Yuntian what she meant, a clear voice came into her ears: "Little Huang'er, you go first, I'll be the last!"

Immediately afterwards, Yehuang let go of her hand, and saw Shangguan Yuntian throwing off her hand, and fell towards the Beimo soldiers below.

(End of this chapter)

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