The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1837 Fanwai: Xueluo 9 Songs

Chapter 1837 Fanwai: Xueluo Nine Songs ([-])

Besides, Wang Xueluo didn't know much about this ancient rouge and gouache, so it took a little longer.

It's just that when she came out of the shop, she didn't find Beichen Jiuge, so she couldn't help but feel a little strange, and looked around for it.

At this time, a carriage drove up to her, and the curtain was lifted, revealing Beichen Jiuge's face.

Wang Xueluo was slightly taken aback and looked at him.I don't know why he sat in the carriage again, didn't he agree to wait for her outside?

For this reason, she didn't dare to stay inside for too long, and came out early, for fear that he would be in a hurry.

"Get in the car!" Beichen Jiuge glanced at Wang Xueluo who was in a daze, and said.Before, he had been waiting outside, but those people really annoyed him seeing him.Even though he deliberately released the air-conditioning all over his body, those people still looked at him the same.

In the end, he was really annoyed, so he had to ask his subordinates to drive the carriage over, and then got into the carriage and waited.

In this way, those gazes quickly disappeared, and he felt much more at ease.

Wang Xueluo came to his senses when he heard Beichen Jiuge's voice, but he did not get into the carriage immediately, but glanced at him, and said, "Young Master Beichen, if you have something to do, you should go back first. It’s good to go alone.”

To be honest, Wang Xueluo didn't want to go shopping with Beichen Jiuge.Or be more comfortable on your own.

"Which shops do you want to visit? I'll take you there." Beichen Jiuge said.Since he said today that he wanted to accompany her, he would not break his promise.

It's just that he really didn't like the eyes that fell on him, so he didn't want to walk on the street like Wang Xueluo again.

"No need, I'll just go by myself." Wang Xueluo shook his head, then smiled at Beichen Jiuge, turned around and walked to other shops.

Seeing her like this, Beichen Jiuge was a little displeased.When someone called her back, she had already entered the next shop.

"Young master, shall we still go?" The coachman watched Wang Xueluo go shopping alone, and couldn't help but asked Beichen Jiuge.

"Forget it, I found a teahouse. I mainly drink tea." Beichen Jiuge originally wanted to go back, but after thinking about it, he still felt that he would wait for Wang Xueluo.

However, he didn't want to go shopping with her anymore, so he was going to find a place to wait for her.

The carriage started and stopped at a tea house.Beichen Jiuge went into the teahouse to drink tea, but asked his subordinates to watch, and if he found that Wang Xueluo didn't want to go shopping, he would bring her directly to the teahouse.

I have money on my body, and no one is around to put pressure on myself.Wang Xueluo had a great time shopping in this street, and went to shop after shop.

She didn't buy much, though.After all, she doesn't even have a home now, and there is no place to put other things except for some necessary things.

After strolling around for about an hour, Wang Xueluo saw that it was getting late, so he planned to head back home.When she was about to go back, a guard suddenly appeared in front of her and said, "Miss Wang, my young master is waiting for you in the teahouse in front."

Hearing the words, Wang Xueluo glanced at the guard, then at the teahouse in front, nodded, and walked forward.

Beichen Jiuge waited in the teahouse for more than an hour, sipping tea and eating snacks, without a trace of impatience on his face.Seeing the guards bringing Wang Xueluo forward, they ordered a pot of new tea and some snacks to be served.

"Young Master Beichen!" Wang Xueluo walked into the private room, saw Beichen Jiuge sipping tea gracefully, his eyes flickered slightly, and said, "Thank you for waiting."

(End of this chapter)

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